"Good governance demands that the prevailing clericalist culture of secrecy must end," says Soline Humbert.
"The people of the diocese have been very generous over these years in supporting Share even at moments of serious economic difficulties. I thank you for that generosity and I encourage you to continue in the support given to Share," says Archbishop Martin
Congregation numbers are declining and the value of donations are falling as a result.
This month, the former head of the Vatican Bank Angelo Caloia goes on trial charged with embezzling €50m from the sale of church Vatican property.
“He was a man of deep faith and a devoted Catholic but also one who was critical when necessary” - Archbishop Diarmuid Martin
This weekend’s collection will be followed by another national collection next year and a final one in 2018, all aimed at defraying some of the large costs involved.
Financial surplus of €616,091 recorded in 2014 compared to deficit of €103,076 in 2013.
Archdiocese of Dublin has embarked in "an ongoing, systematic re-organisation" of its 466 primary schools Oireachtas Committee hears.
Francis urges Religious Institutes to be transparent in administering their assets.