"Jesus Christ, come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love," says prayer of Bishop of Ferns
“The idea is that we equip parishes to bring Laudato Si' to life in local parish communities,” says Jane Mellett of Trócaire.
“We are always human. At no point are we ever something less or something different. What is inherently a right to humanity – namely the right to life – cannot be either denied or taken away.”
Remember what the Holy Spirit took from the disciples in the upper room: their fear and anxiety about the future – Bishop Denis Brennan at the ordination of Fr Billy Caulfied.
President of St Patrick’s College Maynooth hopes nine new deacons will build up the ‘Body of Christ’ as they “serve the people of God in their various dioceses".
Spiritual support service for survivors whose faith has been damaged by sexual abuse.
WorldPriest organisation praises Wexford pilgrim centre's prayerful promotion of the Global Rosary Relay in June.
Ferns successor dismisses interview as a stunt to make money.