Archbishop Martin recalls Pope telling him “There is something about the message of the synod and something about the difficulty Ireland has gone through that offers me an opportunity to say things I want to say about the family.”
‘Healthy’ and ‘holy’ unease thinking of those suffering at Christmas challenges believers to open their hearts to people in need – the homeless and refugees, says Bishop of Kilmore.
“It will be impossible for us to hold on to the ways we lived parish in the past. The parishes of tomorrow will be ‘communities of intentional disciples’ sustained by committed and formed lay people.”
The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak – Pope Francis.
"It is critically important to etch out and plan for a time together so as to appreciate each other's company," advises Accord marriage counsellor.
New bishop hopes to invite Pope Francis to visit Killaloe at Irish bishops' Ad Limina visit to Rome in January.
Retrouvaille weekend can 're-awaken' the initial love.
This weekend’s collection will be followed by another national collection next year and a final one in 2018, all aimed at defraying some of the large costs involved.
Guide on document states: “The Pope's vision of society is inclusive. Such inclusion involves the effort to accept diversity, to dialogue with those who think differently..."
The Apostolic Exhortation 'Amoris Laetitia' meaning ‘The Joy of Love’ will be unveiled by Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri and Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.
Final gathering taking place this weekend to work out a format for the event and group the proposals under the six agreed themes.
7,000 businessmen and women from Italy’s largest manufacturing association reflect with Pontiff on the ethics of doing business.
Joint declaration pleads on behalf of world's persecuted Christians especially in the Middle East where families, villages and cities are being exterminated.
“It seems to suggest that the more communicative devices we have in life, the less communicative we are in our relationships” - President of Accord.
Catholic family support groups in dioceses and parishes might not only assist with marriage preparation, but also with supporting couples immediately following marriage.
"I heard figures recently suggesting that the average 16 year old in Great Britain is more likely to have a iPhone at home than their dad" - Bishop Donal McKeown.
“As a society our progress should be measured against how effectively we care for the most vulnerable amongst us,” bishops state.
Northern bishops highlight how motion was "completely silent" on the "vital issue" of respect for individual religious conscience and protections for Churches.
Archbishop says Pope strongly criticised those in the Church who judge with superiority and superficiality difficult cases and wounded families.
Archbishop suggests it is too simplistic to infer that an authentic Christian culture of marriage has disappeared on the basis of the referendum.
New catholic preschool & primary school religious education curriculum launched as well as religious education programme 'Grow in Love'.
Ploughing Championships is exactly where the Church should be in 2015 - in the middle of the field, in the marketplace, among the crowds: Bishop Nulty.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York and Primate of All Ireland, Archbishop Eamon Martin, among speakers at this year's novena.
Young Irish mother lost her husband, son and unborn child to a suicidal driver in England while on a family holiday in 2012.
“People are appalled at Amnesty’s stance, especially those who previously supported the organisation” - Niamh Ui Bhriain of the Rally for Life Committee.
Pope’s unprecedented intervention must have a positive impact on the vital climate negotiations this year, says Trócaire.
“Jesus has compassion on those who mourn because the death of a loved one is never without pain for families. This is especially true of parents who lose a child": Pope
The bishops are to set up a special review group to examine how best the Church can continue to support marriage and family life in Ireland.
Couple who both spent time on death row for crimes they did not commit tell Retrouvaille leaders that "forgiveness is the only way, in marriage too."
No vote was "a principled vote. People, I hope, will respect that” - Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.