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Ashley Bratcher, star in pro-life film, in exclusive interview

I was one of those people who was middle of the road. I didn’t really know what happened during an abortion procedure. When Abby described it I just thought how blinded I had been – Ashley Bratcher.


Alpha Ireland Conference to ‘equip Church for mission’

We are so pleased to welcome these inspiring speakers from home and abroad to help us all continue the path from maintenance to mission in our parishes and communities – Dominic Perrem.


Bringing faith to politics is not an optional extra, Archbishop Martin tells summer school

“These values are defended by the Church precisely because they are human even before they are Christian; they are rooted in the natural law and accessible to reason.”


The world is hungry for God, says Archbishop on Croagh Patrick

“No matter what your troubles, no matter what mistakes you have made or sinful things you have done, you are His son or daughter. You are part of the family. You belong.”


New book sheds new light on our Catholic past

Book outlines the struggles of Cloyne’s Catholics in asserting their identities in the harsh environment of the penal laws.


Young people tell Synod they want a more candid dialogue with Church

"A substantial number of young people do not ask the Church for anything because they do not see it as significant for their lives."


Alive editor rails against fake Gospel and perverted teachings

In relation to the shortage of priests in the Church, Fr Brian McKevitt said it was no wonder there was a shortage, as no young man would want to join “an outfit that doesn’t even believe in itself or doesn’t believe in its own mission”.


First Communion days will go ahead in Carlow parish

“Isobel was so excited for her big day next year and when she found out that she may have to celebrate it without all her friends she was extremely disappointed.”


Priest’s epic journey raises more than €150K so far

“I have great faith.  I often think of the prophet Abraham who never reached the promised land and yet he remained faithful to what he was asked to do in the mission of life."


Let’s remind our despairing society that life is a gift

We live in a world that encourages euthanasia and views jumping in front of a train as an inconvenience for commuters………

Visiting a friend the other day, he told me that a close relation of his had recently committed suicide. I did not like to ask questions, but learnt that [...]


WMoF2018 milestone as 2,500th volunteer registers

Secretary General of WMOF2018, Fr Timothy Bartlett, delighted at having reached milestone in volunteering numbers, but thousands more volunteers needed.


Ecumenical Bible Week focuses on Handing on the Faith

Symposium will include presentations by John Waters on ‘Taking us Back to the Father’, Rev Ginnie Kennerley on ‘The Family Today: Healing and Expansion in Christ’, and Nick Park on ‘Modern Family – Ancient Problems’.


“Family is something that touches every aspect of our daily lives”

Parish community and clergy pay tribute to Archbishop Diarmuid Martin for his inspirational leadership and his role in WMoF2018.


Life of faith in a post-Hawking era is not easy: CofI Primate

“People of faith cannot escape, nor should we want to escape, the expansion of perspective on the cosmos that he has given us."


The Risen Lord is among us, says Diarmuid Martin

Jesus is risen and is with us and He helps us to be people of life and light in a time marked by many dimensions of darkness.


Catholic schools succeed beause they are catholic, says Bishop of Killaloe

The Catholic education system has been so successful because it is catholic in the true sense of the word ... It is inclusive, outward looking and thoroughly excited to share the Good News with all and sundry.


“Our life and our presence in this world are the fruit of a divine vocation!”

Pope Francis releases message for 2018 World Day of Prayer for Vocations.


Two priests ordained for Dublin

Like St Laurence O'Toole "we need a faith where theology and prayer, witness and care of the poor belong together and can influence the world around us and make society more loving" - Archbishop of Dublin.


Catholic schools must remain alert to inequalities in educational system

Archbishop Eamon Martin tells Irish Catholic education conference: "In a Catholic school, religion is not an added extra to be fitted in during break time or twilight hours or registration."


Majority of young Irish people feel church attendance is optional

The Finding Faith in Ireland research shows that one-third of Christian youth (33%) attended church in the last week and detects decreasing religious practice among young adults as they mature.


Prayer for parishes is this month’s Pope’s intention

Let us pray for our parishes, that they may be places where faith is communicated and charity is seen.


Don’t be afraid to engage with young people

“Young people appreciate authenticity and if what we say is real, then it resonates for them,” Bishop of Limerick advises in run-up to Synod on youth.


Prayers for Barcelona at youth festival

Over 1,000 young people pray for victims of terrorist attack at Youth 2000 summer festival in Tipperary.


Reek Sunday – part of a faith that is a living reality

The lessons we learn on this mountain need to be rooted in our everyday routine: great and unselfish teamwork when the person who finds the going tough is granted a helping hand; when the one who stumbles and falls is set on their feet again; when the climber who is confused is welcomed back.


Pray for those who have strayed from the faith

When a Christian becomes sad, it means that he has distanced himself from Jesus. But then, we must not leave him alone. We should offer him Christian hope!


Corpus Christi processions are about hope, blessings and communion

We bring the presence of Jesus on to our streets to bring hope, to be a blessing and to build up communion: communion with Jesus Christ, a communion that then binds us together to build wider communion and community.


The gift of priesthood is gladly given in the Diocese of Ferns

Remember what the Holy Spirit took from the disciples in the upper room: their fear and anxiety about the future – Bishop Denis Brennan at the ordination of Fr Billy Caulfied.


“Christianity is a faith of new life and of liberation”

At the Easter Vigil Mass in St Mary’s Pro Cathedral, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin regrets that many have experienced Christianity as a “faith of prohibitions”.


Church is divine presence in more pluralistic world – Archbishop Neary

Ordained ministers have a responsibility to “help people to lift their gaze beyond the pessimism of those who speak today of ‘new dark ages’ and enable them to discern a distant horizon of hope”.


Number of Catholics in Ireland declines but increases globally

There were 132,200 fewer Catholics in Ireland over the past five years, down to 3,729,100 from 3,861,300 in 2011.

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