May 2022: For Faith-Filled Young People
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
DECEMBER: Catechists
NOVEMBER: People who suffer from depression
OCTOBER: Missionary Disciples
SEPTEMBER: An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle
AUGUST: Church on the Way
JULY: Social Friendship
JUNE : The beauty of marriage
MAY: The world of finance
APRIL: Fundamental rights
MARCH: The sacrament of reconciliation
FEBRUARY: For women who are victims of violence
DECEMBER: For a life of prayer
NOVEMBER: Artificial Intelligence
“Let us go to Jesus, knock on Jesus’ heart, and say to Him, ‘Lord, if You will it, You can heal me.’” – Pope Francis.
JUNE : Compassion for the world
"The pandemic has revealed that ‘faith matters’, not just for faith communities but for wider society,” says Dr Gladys Ganiel.
"Will virtual ministry become part of the post-pandemic landscape, and will this be a good move for your church?" ask the Mater Dei research team.
May: Deacons
We want people of all faiths to know that RTÉ is with them in spirit – RTÉ’s Head of Religious Content, Roger Childs.
Our mission is clear. We want to send well-formed Catholics into the world to carry out their apostolates, follow their vocations, and rebuild the Church, says Co-founder Edward Barrett-Shortt.
The Church in Dublin will be enriched the more it welcomes the idealism and the generosity that are characteristic of the younger generation – Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
“We were welcomed by families whose focus is now day-to-day survival and whose aspirations have been reduced to bare essentials such as electricity and clean water.”
Peace cannot and should not be taken for granted and is a precious value that requires cultivation and tending in every generation.
Spiritual Batteries is designed to be welcoming. There's no pressure, no follow ups, it's easy to invite your friends too, whether they have some faith or none - Edward Barrett-Shortt.