"Until the population dialogues with their children and gives me a written guarantee of the safety of the pastors who work for them, the parishes will remain without pastors,” - Bishop Nkea.
Final Report of Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse questions mandatory clerical celibacy, the inviolability of the seal of confession, and criticises culture of clericalism.
Forty representatives from around the world include Austrian couple excommunicated for holding private Masses without a priest.
Advice from secretary of Pope Francis’ advisory council of nine cardinals to stay away from traditionalist group incurs wrath of SSPX.
Speaking in Calabria, Pontiff rebukes mafia for its “contempt for the common good."
Vatican Congregation never communicated with him directly.
“What I read of the way he’s been treated makes me ashamed of the actions of those representing my Church.”