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exclusion zones

UK campaigners relieved abortion zone motion unlikely to become law

Censorship zones would effectively ban volunteers from offering practical and emotional support to women entering abortion clinics across England and Wales. They would also ban individuals from peacefully praying in the vicinity of clinics – RIght to Life UK.


Ireland set for exclusion zones and continuing abortion under new government

Eilís Mulroy, PLC, said that it is a “regressive move” for Fianna Fáil and the Green Party negotiating teams to have joined Fine Gael in supporting the introduction of “censorship zones” that breach civil liberties.


Story on Sidewalk Advocates was “sensationalist”

Iona Institute warns against introduction of broad all-encompassing legislation on exclusion zones.


Proposed abortion law goes further than earlier drafts

The new General Scheme narrows the scope of conscientious objection, gives a more limited definition of viability post birth, and extends the demarcation of ‘fatal foetal abnormality’ for several weeks past birth.

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