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Bishop Router calls out culture and government over teenager’s murder

“The reprehensible sub-culture in our society which views all human life as expendable, including the lives of children, must be defeated” – Bishop Michael Router.


Bishops of Cork: celebrating Christmas without denying the reality of evil

This was the moment God changed the course of human history – Bishop Fintan Gavin and Bishop Paul Colton.


Archbishop horrified at ‘traces of racism’ among Christian believers in Dublin

The terms ‘refugee’ and ‘asylum seeker’ should only arouse heartfelt concern in the Christian heart, says Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.


Waterford priest to train as an exorcist

Bishop Phonsie Cullinan warns that Reiki can be a channel for evil spirits and announces the setting up of a deliverance team in his diocese.


Over 1,000 Christians rally against US Black Mass

Oklahoma City rally seeks to overpower darkness with light and “to stand against evil.”


Fr Hamel’s last words to his attackers: ‘Go away Satan’

Archbishop of Rouen invites people to return to church on 15 August, the feast of the Assumption of Mary, to make a statement that “violence will not take over in their hearts.”


Jesuit explores suffering and pain in new book

Fr Brian Grogan SJ highlights how as human beings none of us will escape pain or suffering or the effects of evil in the world. The question is - what we do with the pain.


Mgr Hugh O’Flaherty memorial unveiled in Vatican

There are people who “do not grow accustomed to evil. Who defeat it with good” - Ambassador said of Irish priest who saved 6,500 Jews and Allied POWs.


Shamrock blessed at ecumenical service in DIT

St Patrick speaks of the importance of God and the Trinity; the triumph of good over evil; and autobiography as a vehicle of spiritual and personal expression.


Pope Francis remembers Brother Roger of Taizé

Papal message marks 75th anniversary of Taizé’s foundation; centenary of Brother Roger's birth; and the tenth anniversary of his death.


The devil exists and we must fight him: Pope

Catholic theology has not changed though existence of the devil has been downplayed says Irish bishop.


Cardinal questions if global warming caused taiphoon

Special Mass for victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and the war in Syria.

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