Archbishop Eamon Martin tells Irish Catholic education conference: "In a Catholic school, religion is not an added extra to be fitted in during break time or twilight hours or registration."
Amazon's indigenous people are “often forgotten and without the prospect of a serene future because of the crisis of the Amazonian rain forest, a ‘lung’ of primary importance for our planet.”
Let us pray for our parishes, that they may be places where faith is communicated and charity is seen.
Over 1,000 young people pray for victims of terrorist attack at Youth 2000 summer festival in Tipperary.
Movement for couples celebrates with Bishop Denis Nulty with multiple renewals of wedding vows.
The large influx of pilgrims, the humble and simple prayer of God’s people, the fulfilment of so many graces and the natural beauty of these places allow you to see how the shrines express an irreplaceable opportunity for evangelisation.
The 2018 event will recall for society “how important the family is for the future of Ireland and of the wider society especially in Europe” – Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”
“He gave great witness to his faith in the way in which he bore his illness with courage and dignity, and in the way he accepted his final diagnosis.”
Release Prison Partnership conference on 15 October aims to “re-frame the prison experience into something positive showing how people who go into the prison system can actually better their lives.”
For the first time Ireland hosts meeting of national directors of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN).
New bishop hopes to invite Pope Francis to visit Killaloe at Irish bishops' Ad Limina visit to Rome in January.
Bishop Wiesław Lechowicz, Chairman of the Polish Bishops’ Council for Emigrants, will celebrate Mass to mark the 170th anniversary on 18 September while other events are lined up for later in September and in October.
"Today’s world is topsy turvy and there are still serious threats on the world stage. It’s a bewildering place for people. Music gives people a sense of calm, serenity and hope," says Fr Eugene O'Hagan.
Originally from Co Tipperary, Bishop John Ryan joined the Kiltegan order in 1970. Since 1978 he has been involved in pastoral work in Malawi and in teaching mathematics at the University of Mzuzu,
49-year-old Fr Fintan Monahan will be installed as bishop at the Cathedral of Ss Peter and Paul in Ennis on Sunday 25 September.
Missionary priests who left over celibacy tell their stories in television documentary which was directed by the wife of one of the 13 ex priests interviewed.
Studying and developing our faith is a transfiguration experience. "As faith grows, our vision of Christ transforms us" - Archbishop Brown.
Pilgrims invited to Music Ministry Together weekend to learn music, get to know each other, and gain a deeper understanding of music in the liturgy of the Church.
Drink is at the root of "vast majority of incidents". The entertainment & hospitality industries & stakeholders on the streets "need to address drink issues together".
Synod proposals carry weight and are "the voice of God for us for this moment of time" says Bishop Brendan Leahy.
Missio ad Gentes (Mission to the nations) begins in fifty places including the diocese of Limerick in Ireland.
"It is wonderful because it explains the real meaning of Easter for everyone" - former President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, Rev Dr Heather Morris.
Christians pray that God stirs the "consciences of the leaders of powerful nations to work for the peace Syrians long for".
Céilí community holds first discernment weekend for men and women considering call to priesthood and religious life within its own community.
In its nine chapters, 'The Name of God is Mercy' expands on the Pope's understanding of God's mercy which he describes as "God's identity card".
“It is one of the few movements really reaching out to the under eighteens. We want to reach young people as early as possible and share this good news with them.”
Twenty priests hear confessions for five hours at shopping mall in Shannon at the start of the Year of Mercy.
EWTN founder, fed through feeding tube, offers suffering 'for Jesus'.
Twenty priests will make themselves available in Shannon shopping centre for prayer, confession and chats on 8 December to "proclaim message of mercy".