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As the Dáil rushes Euthanasia Bill, bishops promote Day for Life

"The gift of a new child, entrusted by the Lord to a father and a mother, begins with acceptance, continues with lifelong protection and has as its final goal the joy of eternal life," – Pope Francis.


Legislators who legalise euthanasia are ‘accomplices of a grave sin’

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith's 20-page document, ‘The Good Samaritan’ warns that “Incurable cannot mean that care has come at an end”.


Assisted suicide bill for Dáil

To those who advocate for ‘death with dignity’ Prof Des O’Neill responded that human dignity cannot be lost through disability, disease, dependency, or suffering. However he added that: “insensitive treatment or attitudes to those so affected can constitute undignified care,” and issues such as adequacy of treatment and support should be properly addressed.


‘Coronavirus forces us to reflect on the fragility of life’ – Bishop Router

The chair of the Council for Healthcare of the Bishops’ Conference has encouraged people to pray for those affected by the virus and for the efforts to bring the outbreak under control.


Bishop saddened by “zombie” comments at Kilkenny Mass

Capuchins apologise, saying Fr Tom Forde’s comments were not intended to “cause hurt to anyone”.


Court ruling weakens protection for patients in a permanent vegetative state

“Our care for those in such situations is the test of our common humanity and our solidarity with some of the most fragile of our brothers and sisters." – Bishop John Wilson.


Let’s remind our despairing society that life is a gift

We live in a world that encourages euthanasia and views jumping in front of a train as an inconvenience for commuters………

Visiting a friend the other day, he told me that a close relation of his had recently committed suicide. I did not like to ask questions, but learnt that [...]


UK court upholds ban on assisted suicide

"When the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of patients are met, there is no pressure for change.” – Dr Peter Saunders


Palliative care not euthanasia is the answer: Cardinal Eijk

“Many people fear social suffering because most people who are suffering in an incurable way lose their friends as people do not visit them any more. That is the most severe thing for them.”


Pope orders Belgian hospitals not to deliberately kill patients

One of the major problems with euthanasia legislation remains the arbitrary nature of the criteria used.


Canada: ‘Assisted suicide law is leading to decline in respect for life’

Already calls for new law, demanding assisted suicide for non-terminal illnesses.


Euthanasia is not palliative care: COMECE

“Intentionally bringing on the death of a patient, even if he asks for it, does not constitute caring for him.”


Pope and Patriarch hold historic meeting in Cuba

Joint declaration pleads on behalf of world's persecuted Christians especially in the Middle East where families, villages and cities are being exterminated.


Ombudsman warns of normalisation of euthanasia

If euthanasia becomes normalised, people who may not appear to have quality of life may feel pressurised to end their lives - Emily O'Reilly.


Primate pays tribute to Padre Pio at Knock pilgrimage

Seven modern 'dolors': abortion, neglect of the earth, displacement of refugees, trafficking, addiction, assisted suicide or euthanasia & indifference.


UK parliament votes down assisted suicide bill

“I welcome Parliament’s recognition of the grave risks that this bill posed to the lives of our society’s most vulnerable people” - Archbishop Peter Smith.


“Right to die will quickly become duty to die”

Bishop of Shrewsbury expresses serious concerns over new private members' bill on assisted dying due to be introduced into British parliament in September.


UK Catholic bishops offer guidance on end of life decisions

300,000 postcards offering advice on 'end of life' decisions distributed at UK Day for Life today. "God will call us in his good time, and the time we have left for living and loving is always short."


Hope conference to address euthanasia concerns

Where laws enabling assisted suicide and euthanasia have been introduced, very quickly they are extended to those who are not terminally ill but disabled.


Rockstar’s ex speaks out against abortion in Dublin

Disability rights campaigner, Dr Kevin Fitzpatrick, warns PLC conference of the step by step advance of euthanasia.


Euthanasia in Belgium is out of control

According to one commentator, Belgium has "leaped head-first off a moral cliff".


CofI Primate argues against assisted dying

Archbishop Clarke describes Lord Carey's position as "perplexing".


Assisted Dying bill for House of Lords

Euthanasia is fast becoming a default mode of dying for cancer patients in the Netherlands.


Court’s ruling against assisted suicide welcomed

Campaigners lose UK Supreme Court challenge on right to die.


Pope announces September visit to Albania

Pontiff critical of 'throwaway culture' and neglect towards young and old in "tired Europe".


Belgian deacon charged over 40 deaths

Church in Belgium shocked as psychiatrists assess deacon's mental condition.


Survey shows people ready to plan for end of life

Think Ahead guides people in legal, economic, healthcare preferences and wishes for organ donation and funeral arrangements.


National Convention for Life to renew pro life movement

Capacity crowd in Dublin to hear national and international speakers on a range of life issues.


TV plot sparks ‘right to die’ debate

Show good palliative care, rather than suicide, says Care not Killing


New coalition group to fight state-sanctioned euthanasia

EPC-Europe to support disabled and elderly as push for euthanasia continues.

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