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CofI to undergo major review ahead of 2019

Church of Ireland must look beyond its own self-interest and its own survival to the future to which God is calling it: Archbishop Richard Clarke.


Pope brings 12 Syrian refugees with him to Rome

The Vatican will take care of the costs involved in housing and looking after these Muslim refugees.


Bishop criticises forced return of refugees to Turkey

Pope Francis to visit the Greek island of Lesbos next week as a gesture of solidarity with migrants.


Syria has to be foreign policy priority

"This crisis will not end until a political solution is put in place. Through the EU, Ireland has a valuable role to play," says Trócaire Director.


Europe needs to be constructive actor for peace

Peace and security policies were at the centre of the debate of the spring plenary assembly of COMECE's bishops in Brussels.


Government resettles less than 150 refugees: report

22 NGOs call on the Government to honour its promise to fundamentally reform the Irish asylum system in line with recommendations in the McMahon Report.


New EU guidelines on goods from illegal settlements

Trócaire has called for a complete EU ban on goods imported from illegal Israeli settlements.


EU response to refugee crisis inadequate: Trócaire

Bishops and catholic aid agency concerned over the pace of the EU and Irish response to the plight of thousands of refugees.


Migration crisis is humanitarian emergency: Trócaire

“The current mass movement of people into Europe represents the most serious displacement crisis the European Union has faced in recent times."


Govt urged to press EU on persecuted Christians

Persecution is intensifying, Archbishop Neary warns, with ancient Christian communities driven from their lands through ethnic cleaning.


Austerity has resulted in intense suffering: SJI

Some 123 million EU citizens – one in every four – are at risk of poverty and social exclusion – an increase of 7 million in the six years up to 2013.

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