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Bishop urges families to pray grace at mealtimes

“It can be very difficult for parents to provide for the material needs of their children" and there are children who live and sleep in very inadequate situations.


Benedictine nun’s anti-mining advocacy honoured

Sr Stella Matutina's campaigning on behalf of the rights of the native peoples of Mindanao recognised by City of Weimar human rights award.


Proclaim Good News of all of Creation: Bishop Kelly

Bishop of Achonry leds the annual pilgrimage to Máméan last Sunday and urged the faithful to look after and preserve God's handiwork.


President Higgins to address Paris climate summit today

'Summit of Consciences for the Climate' focuses on citizen involvement. Meanwhile Trócaire disappointed that Climate Bill shelved till after summer recess. "This latest delay will see us lose yet more time completing legislation on what is the most pressing issue facing the planet today," says Trócaire Executive Director.


Bishop questions arguments based on emotion

“It is not for us to judge people, but that doesn't mean that we should not make objective moral judgements,” Bishop Kevin Doran.


Theologian calls for synod to discuss new encyclical

Three years would give people an opportunity to address Laudato Si’s recommendations in the local church in the first year, nationally in the second year and globally in the third year.


Encyclical is ‘wake-up call’ on ecological destruction

Pope’s unprecedented intervention must have a positive impact on the vital climate negotiations this year, says Trócaire.


Service marks bicentenary of Battle of Waterloo

“The pity of war should never be far from our prayers and our thoughts at such a time as this” - Archbishop Richard Clarke.


Primate rejects suggestions Church has lost its way

Some accuse the Church of not doing enough to stop the amendment; others criticise Church for stridently presenting a message that was out of touch with the people.


Bishops warn of possible law suits if MarRef passes

"Will those who sincerely believe that marriage is between a man and a woman be forced to act against their faith and conscience?” - Bishop Martin Drennan.


Safeguard the environment Pope Francis appeals

"See the world through the eyes of God the Creator: the earth is an environment to be safeguarded, a garden to be cultivated”.


Climate Bill is deeply flawed Trócaire warns

"We cannot let Ireland continue to shirk its responsibilities around climate change."


“The Church is where we learn what holiness means”

Archbishop Martin dedicates new altar in Dublin parish.


Church of England motion on climate change welcomed

Synod votes in 'Go Green' week, the largest national week of student action on climate.


Church urged to heed environmental dimension of faith

Water justice is the theme of this year’s Creation Time.

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