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Eight Amendment

Pro Life Campaign ready to address Citizens’ Assembly if asked

Record attendance at Pro Life Campaign national conference hears from Irish-born film producer about Gosnell movie, which lifts the lid on what actually happens during an abortion.


Citizens’ assembly meeting on abortion on 15 October

Government should admit the "sole purpose of the citizens’ assembly on abortion is to clear the way for a referendum that would strip the unborn child of his/her right to life," warns PLC.


‘Disgraceful that a state funded agency campaigning for abortion’

National Women's Council of Ireland ought to acknowledge and reflect upon report on lives saved by the Eighth Amendment says PLC.


Attempt to remove legal protection from ‘very sick babies’ disturbing: PLC

Whip will not be applied to non Fine Gael deputies in upcoming vote on amendment to the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, allowing abortion in the case of so-called 'fatal foetal abnormalities'.


Personhood begins at conception affirms Rally for Life

One Day More says politicians pushing to extend abortion law do not represent them. "Many of our members say that they received little or no support when they were given their diagnosis."


Dáil to consider proposals for Citizens’ Assembly

Citizens' Assembly on abortion is a pretence says Senator Ronan Mullen. "Oireachtas Éireann should be the only legitimate Citizens' Assembly."


Huge rally endorses value of Eighth Amendment

"Women are being betrayed every day by the abortion lobby when they say there are no consequences to abortion and their babies are a 'clump of cells'”- Limerick student who faced crisis pregnancy.


Celebrate 8th Amendment as ‘human rights beacon’

"Eighth Amendment protects the human rights of every human being in this country and we need to stand up and remind ourselves of that" - Cora Sherlock, Pro Life Campaign.   


Abortion shouldn’t be in programme for govt: PLC

Fine Gael proposal to hold citizen's assembly on abortion would be the "first step on a pre-arranged course again".


Election 2016 results positive from pro life stance

Findings of Amnesty International/Red C poll on abortion "are more ambivalent and uncertain" than presented: PLC.


Consider what a vote for Labour means: PLC

Cross denominational group says it wants to see "stability in our country and a return to the Judeo/Christian values that have underpinned all of Europe in the past."


Abortion is a major election issue

It is "very difficult to see how any Catholic could, in good conscience, vote for a candidate or a political party whose policy it is to legalise abortion" - Bishop Doran.


Unborn are deserving of human rights protection

Pro Life advocates appeal to Kildare gathering to make the 8th amendment a key election issue.


Push to repeal 8th is push for abortion on demand

The Government's focus should be on the provision of hospice care for children born with life limiting conditions: Bishop Kevin Doran.

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