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Remembrance service for those lost in farm accidents

Rugby players, Munster's John Hayes, Ulster's Rory Best and Leinster's Sean O'Brien lend support to Embrace FARM ecumenical service.


Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury meet in Rome

Two Church leaders pledge to continue joint efforts to combat human trafficking.


Northern Ireland to host landmark Christian event

Hundreds from all over island to attend July gathering underlining unity among Christians.


Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to meet Pope Francis

Focus of visit to be on modern slavery and human trafficking.


Church of England motion on climate change welcomed

Synod votes in 'Go Green' week, the largest national week of student action on climate.


Spirit Radio celebrates three years on the air

Over 160,000 people tuning in to the station with 'passion for life'


Nuncio speaks at Ecumenical Service in Belfast

History made during Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Church of Ireland Cathedral


Christian Unity Week begins with appeal for Syria

"Is Christ divided?" is the theme for 2014 Church Unity Week.


Redouble ecumenical efforts Pope Francis urges

Call for “spiritual ecumenism” born of a change of heart and holiness of life.


Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 18-25 January

This year's theme - ‘Is Christ Divided?’ - was chosen by the Churches of French Canada.


30,000 young Europeans to attend Taizé gathering

Young people to provide sign of 'visible communion' in Strasbourg.


Catholic delegation at World Council of Churches Assembly

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin among the 5,000 participants from 110 countries.


Churches seek to work together to reduce suicide risk

Two cross-border initiatives taking place in Derry over 9-10 October on suicide.


Prayers and wristbands at National Ploughing Championships

New bishop of Kildare and Leighlin attends opening.


Church urged to heed environmental dimension of faith

Water justice is the theme of this year’s Creation Time.


Prayer service to commemorate Brother Roger of Taizé

Representatives of various Christian traditions to attend Dublin prayer gathering.


Inter-Church Relations: Developments …

This book celebrates the commitment that Bishop Anthony Farquhar has brought to inter-Church relations over the twenty-five years of his episcopate.


Fidelity without fundamentalism:…

What is fundamentalism? The question discussed here is about protecting a valuable tradition. Gerard J. Hughes SJ looks at some of the pitfalls of translating the tradition.


Conflict, controversy and co-operation

Norman W. Taggart, a Methodist minister who was deeply involved in the Irish Council of Churches during the early years of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, follows the story of that body as it broke new ground in ecumenical relations with the Catholic Church.


The Presbyterian Church in Ireland

This book is Finlay Holmes’ popular study of the Presbyterians of Ireland – who they are, where they have come from, their theological and political conflicts, their identity and ethos, and their significant role in Irish religious and political history.


A fractured relationship: faith and the crisis of culture

Thomas Norris believes that Christian faith still has a relevant message for today’s culture in the West. Drawing on Newman, Voeglin and Lonergan, he believes that Christian faith should not be presupposed, but proposed afresh in a dialogue of faith and reason.


The Irish School of Ecumenics (1970-2007)

In the emerging post-secular society the Irish School of Ecumenics has a bright future. This is founder Michael Hurley SJ’s assessment of the role of an institution he fouunded almost forty years ago and which is still very much at the heart of academic and cultural life in Ireland and [...]


The Irish School of Ecumenics (1970-2007): ‘Like wheat that springs up green’

In the emerging post-secular society the Irish School of Ecumenics has a bright future. This is founder Michael Hurley SJ’s assessment of the role of an institution he founded almost forty years ago and which is still very much at the heart of academic and cultural life in Ireland and [...]


Christ – the living stone of unity

Chiara Lubich, foundress and president of the Focolare movement, writes that unity among Christians can be achieved only by each of us striving to imitate Christ and to follow the commandment of love.


An ecumenical journey

Geraldine Smyth OP recounts the uplifting experience that was the third European Ecumenical Assembly in Romania last September (2007) and leads us towards further steps for unity.


A fallible Church: Lambeth essays

The present crisis in Anglicanism is a difficult but highly creative moment. This is the belief of the leading Anglicans from different backgrounds who are the contributors to this book edited by Kenneth Stevenson.


Healing and hope: memories of an Irish ecumenist

Michael Hurley SJ, renowned Irish ecumenist and co-founder of the Irish School of Ecumenics, looks back over forty years of ecumenical experience.

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