Journey towards Christian unity is progressing but people need to be more aware of its forward momentum, says authority on ecumenism.
“We encourage parishes offering the Week to include their local Church of Ireland, Methodist and Presbyterian groups” – Office for Evangelisation and Ecumenism.
Bishop Gerard Clifford lived out his motto "May they all be one" says Cardinal Brady.
“It would have been unimaginable to our parents’ generation to think that the Pope would be joining in the 500th commemoration of Martin Luther,” says bishop of Limerick, Brendan Leahy.
“Catholics and Anglicans will work together to give voice to our common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,” say Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, in Common Declaration.
Historic appointment in Belfast cathedral strengthens the common mission to "witness to Christ and promote reconciliation, peace and unity."
Pope tells Munich rally Europe should be an open and welcoming continent, and continue to establish ways of working together that are not only economic but also social and cultural.
Against background of Brexit, Together for Europe gathering in Munich is a prophetic sign. "We need to keep the ideals of the founders of the EU alive."
Report on third stage of dialogue between Catholic and Anglican churches due out in the autumn.
Drink is at the root of "vast majority of incidents". The entertainment & hospitality industries & stakeholders on the streets "need to address drink issues together".
Carmelite Monastery in Dublin provides daily reflection, prayers and talks for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
40 churchmen pray for safe release of Orthodox Bishop of Aleppo, Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, kidnapped in 2013 and the release of Metropolitan Boulos.
Anniversary is also a time to review, to recommit to renewal and to discern what the Spirit today is saying to the Church.
Tributes to ecumenical and educational expertise of auxiliary bishop of Down and Connor, the longest-serving bishop in the country.
175-year-old Church of Ireland parish hosts display of 49 trees, each of which represents a verse from the Bible, telling the Christmas story in a “unique and enchanting way”.
Director of the Law Centre tells Church leaders not 'demonise' people working in the human rights sector but build relationships with them.
'People's Angelus' will showcase work of aspiring filmmakers and artists & will be "conducive to prayer or reflection for people of all faiths and none".
The search for new means to speak of God has been at the core of Benedict's theological work since the Second Vatican Council.
Anglican roots of Jesuit priest from Dublin to be recognised in liturgy led by Church of Ireland Primate, Archbishop Michael Jackson.
"Many reflective Catholics are taking up the scriptures because there they find that nourishment that keeps them in a faithful relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit."
People urged to commit to some act of solidarity or kindness in memory of Taize founder Bro Roger Schutz (1915-2005).
"The real question is whether same sex relationships differ significantly from opposite sex relationships and the answer is 'yes'," states the cross denominational response.
Irish Jesuit convert whom Pope Francis declared Venerable last November draws Christian Churches together in remembrance.
Chairperson of the Dublin Council of Churches urges members and patrons not to return unchanged to their various Christian communities.
"Your blood could help save a life" - Blood Transfusion Services need 30,000 new or returning donors each year.
Muslim, Jews and Christians must enjoy same rights and respect the same duties so they see each other as brothers and sisters.
Canon John O’Toole of Southwark appointed National Ecumenical Officer and Secretary by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
Fr Damian McNeice is first Roman Catholic to hold this position in Council's fifty year history.
Co-chairman of ARCIC suggests in interview with Church of Ireland Gazette that Catholic Church could one day allow Anglicans to receive the Eucharist.
There is a recognition that evangelisation exists across all denominations.