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Dying for water – Fr. Seán McDonagh

This book explores the theme of preserving and protecting fresh water around the world and describes it as part of our Christian responsibility to care for God’s earth.


The Vatican, GE food and the Eucharist

Columban missionary Sean McDonagh SSC examines some of the issues raised by recent Vatican attention to the arguments about genetically engineered crops.


The green Christ

Columban missionary Seán McDonagh expresses his wish that environmentalists would discover the inspiration for their work which the words of Jesus provide.


Healing the earth

John Scally takes a look at the remarkable work which Seán McDonagh SSC has done to promote the ecological movement among Christians and to develop in people a Christian sense of responsibility towards all creation.


On not despising matter

Donagh O’Shea OP warns against the tendency to think of the material world – especially the body – as something to be despised. Christian spirituality enjoins respect for all creation.


God, heaven and a garden

Magali Nicole takes a look at gardening. In it she finds a model of ‘subduing the earth’ which does not involve exercising absolute mastery over it, but rather entails working with God and helping to create heaven on earth.


Patenting life? Stop!

Sean McDonagh examines whether corporate greed is forcing us to eat genetically modified food, and fears that new patenting rules may allow corporations to gain ownership over living organisms.


Water: source of life or death?

Columban Missionary Fr Seán McDonagh looks at one of the earth’s most endangered natural resources.


Destroying the marine habitat

Sean Mc Donagh writes about dangers to the marine habitat.


Climate change: the challenge to all of us

Seán McDonagh reminds us that climate change is the most serious issue facing us. If we continue with a business-as-usual approach in relation to our use of fossil fuel, we will have set in train planetary changes like the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, which will make the world [...]


The fragrance of God: finding God through the natural world

Through the practical interaction with his garden, Vigen Guroian finds God touching the significant transitions of our lives and how God is loving us in them.


Our duty to the earth

In 2005 The Compendium of the Social doctrine of the Church was published. It included a chapter on “Safeguarding the Environment”. Cathy Molloy introduces us to this comparatively new aspect of Church teaching and the issues involved.



Acknowledging the significance of the climate change crisis, Celine Mangan OP explores the right Christian response through the words of the gospel and the teaching of the magisterium.


A deal with God

Celine Mangan OP traces the discourse between God and mankind about our relationship with the planet and other creatures. She goes on to highlight the significance of such covenants with us today.


Destroying our home

Fr. Seán McDonagh draws attention to the failure of the developed world to care for God’s creation.


The human and environmental cost of development

Columban missionary Fr. Shay Cullen’s columns are published in The Manila Times, in publications in Ireland, the UK, Hong Kong, and on-line.) http://www.preda.org/archives/2008/r08082001.html


Letting go of wealth

If we are to share the earth’s resources with everyone, we must accept a reduction in our standard of living, writes Peter McVerry, SJ


Animals and justice

Maria Forrestal FMM wonders if as a Franciscan she should be a vegetarian. How, she asks, should a Franciscan sister live out the attitude of St. Francis of Assisi towards animals and the whole of creation?


Caring for the earth as a missionary challenge


The writer senses we have a call as Christians to care for the earth.


The lessons of nature

Celine Mangan OP uses the two quotes which follow to bring awareness of how the animal world can teach us humans how our actions are causing destruction to planet earth: ‘The land mourns and all who live in it languish; even the fish of the sea are perishing.’ (Hos.4.3) and [...]

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