Bishop Of Derry urges the faithful to build community despite their differences because “A fragmenting world will not see Jesus in a fractious church."
‘I encourage the faithful to pray for the success of this synod, the purpose of which is to serve the good of humanity,’ said Bishop Alan McGuckian, Chair of the Irish Bishops’ Council for Justice and Peace.
It is the story about doing everything we can for the sake of our children's future, says Dr Lorna Gold.
Appeal to public on World Bee Day to provide food, shelter and safety for bees.
As part of its centenary celebrations, the Missionary Society of St Columban held an international colloquium in Dalgan Park last week aimed at mapping out the future direction of mission in the Church.
Let's cut down on waste says Eco Congregations Ireland.
Former president presented copy of 'Laudato Si: An Irish Response' to Pope Francis during meeting between the Pontiff and the Elders in the Vatican on Monday
Programme of activities at Co Wicklow convent will explore issues highlighted by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si.
It began in 2014 as an effort to tap into the ecumenical collaboration of IEC2012. The different traditions would read, pray and celebrate the Bible together over one week.
“We wanted to demonstrate an authentic witness to the commitment to 'integral ecology' advocated by Pope Francis."
Professor John Fitzgerald, chair of the advisory committee to the Government on the environment, will address the conference on ‘Ecology and Economics’.
Poll also found Catholics (43%) barely ahead of the general public (39%) in viewing global warming as a moral issue.
Pope’s unprecedented intervention must have a positive impact on the vital climate negotiations this year, says Trócaire.
"Many reflective Catholics are taking up the scriptures because there they find that nourishment that keeps them in a faithful relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit."
"Safeguard the life and health of people by respecting the environment and nature” - Pontiff.
Pilgrimage starts at Brigid's Well in Faughart Co Louth on 28 June and arrives in Kildare on 6 July.
Food Not Fuel relates the struggles of the indigenous Mayans in Guatemala.
Professor Arthur Holder rejects separation of spirituality and theology.
Water justice is the theme of this year’s Creation Time.
Cardinal Cathal B. Daly examines the relationship between religion, science and ecology asserting that religion and science are complementary, not contradictory.
Unleashing Christianity's compassion for animals. An engaging well-researched and easy-to-read review of all the issues related to how we interact with animals.
This article is the text of a talk given to the Céifin Conference 2009 at the West County Hotel, Ennis. The theme of the conference was the search for a new vision and leadership for the future.
Fr. Shay’s columns are published in The Manila Times, in publications in Ireland, the UK, Hong Kong, and on-line.
The plundering of the world's forests is having a devastating effect on creation, and for thousands of species life on earth is becoming a thing of the past. Seán McDonagh reports.
Creation, Evolution and Faith. A scientist sets out relying on reason to seriously investigate the natural world we live in but eventually finds reason inadequate.
Seán McDonagh's book is a plea for action before it is too late to save the 11,000 species currently under threat of extinction in mangrove forests and coral reefs across the world.
Up till recently we never had any dificulties about the burning of fossil fuels. But now with global warming established as a fact, perhaps it is time to think again about it, suggests Conall Ó Cuinn SJ.
In The Cosmic Circle Edward P. Echlin relates Jesus to ecology. He looks at Jesus in his Nazareth years as craftsman and food grower, and his connection with the earth.
Celine Mangan OP traces the discourse between God and mankind about our relationship with the planet and other creatures. She goes on to highlight the significance of such covenants with us today.
Fr. Seán McDonagh draws attention to the failure of the developed world to care for God’s creation.