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Parish priest calls for end to Drogheda violence at 17-year-old’s funeral

In the name of God, let it end now – Fr Phil Gaffney, PP.


Bishop Router calls out culture and government over teenager’s murder

“The reprehensible sub-culture in our society which views all human life as expendable, including the lives of children, must be defeated” – Bishop Michael Router.


Bishop Router offers to mediate in Drogheda feud

“I or indeed any priest or religious in this area would be willing to mediate between the different factions if that would assist to bring the feud to a halt.”


Archbishop condemns drug traffickers’ trade in death

At a Mass to remember deceased members of the women’s forum, Dr Martin hit out at the traffic in drugs as “a horrific example of the exploitation of the vulnerable”.


Jesuit priest says Ireland must tackle its drinking problem

“The worst thing about excessive drinking is not the men it makes drunk but the children that it makes afraid.” – Fr Barney McGuckian


Pope blasts ‘charlatans’ who offer easy but useless solutions to suffering

The ‘24 Hours for the Lord’ initiative is a moment of grace which invites the entire Church community to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation in the context of Eucharistic adoration.


“We need unequivocally to reject a culture of violence”

Address criminal drug gangs, moneylenders, violence in the home, against children, sexual violence and violence against people because of their sexuality, as well as hate-talk about immigrants, exhorts Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.


War on drugs has too high a death toll, say Filipino bishops

“I don’t know of any law in any civilized society that says a person deserves to die because he or she is ‘a drug suspect’.”


Gun attack on Nigerian Catholic church leaves 11 dead

“The gunmen came thinking that their target was in the church but he was not.”


Bishop’s concern as curbs on alcohol promotion are watered down

“The removal of a ban on sports sponsorship, limits on advertising, point-of-sales display controls and minimum pricing is of deep concern” – Bishop Eamonn Walsh.


Limerick is a standout city for active nonviolence

Thanks to the contribution of many to active nonviolence, Limerick is now a city that is beginning to sing a song of co-operation and regeneration, new vitality and effective management, artistic, sport and cultural renewal.


WYB programme celebrates Sr Consilio’s healing love

Well-known broadcaster, Miriam O’Callaghan, described Mercy nun at Cuan Mhuire’s 50th anniversary celebration as “a living saint”.


Tribute to Cuan Mhuire’s role in breaking tide of addiction

“Today in Cuan Mhuire, there is a message of hope. Addiction need not be the last word. We can do something about it” - Bishop Brendan Leahy.


Bishop appeals to motorists to ‘drive safely’

53 deaths on roads in the Republic and another 18 in Northern Ireland so far this year.


‘Temperance prevents excess getting a grip’

“It has become so difficult for people to resist the culture of artificial and chemical enhancement for all kinds of performances and entertainment” - Bishop Éamonn Walsh.


Last year 36.9 million people were living with HIV

Figures released by the HSE in June showed that new HIV cases in Ireland have reached their highest point in five years.


Bishop asks for prayers for victims of French crash

Bishop Liam MacDaid of Clogher and Archbishop Eamon Martin pray for 43 dead in French crash as appeals made for safe driving in Ireland this weekend.


Homeless campaigner says action needed on drugs

“It is up to communities and parents to be as educated as possible to spot warning signs of drug abuse in teenagers and young adults.”


Pope expresses concern at growing culture of waste

"Any harm done to the environment, therefore, is harm done to humanity" Pontiff warns at UN General Assembly in New York.


Primate pays tribute to Padre Pio at Knock pilgrimage

Seven modern 'dolors': abortion, neglect of the earth, displacement of refugees, trafficking, addiction, assisted suicide or euthanasia & indifference.


Church is not just a Church of the perfect: Archbishop

"We remember in our prayers those who have had to flee from their homelands that they may find peace through the welcome of believers in Jesus Christ."


Primate affirms role and message of Pioneers

Alcohol is a factor in half of the suicides in Ireland and more people die each day from alcohol-related problems than on our roads.


Vatican prelate responds to FIFA soccer scandal

“Is anyone surprised by this news?” asked Mgr Melchor Sanchez de Toca, director of the Pontifical Council for Culture's sports division.


Priest to be buried in Meath after funeral in UK

Ordained as a Holy Ghost Father, Joe Brennan served in parishes across the diocese of Middlesbrough as well as ministering in hospitals and prisons.


Bro Kevin Crowley awarded Freedom of Dublin

Homeless campaigner and former soccer international honoured for "their work in the fields of social justice and sport”.


Pope warns criminals against using religion

External forms of piety without “a real conversion are not enough to be considered in communion with Christ and his Church”.


Reduce alcohol intake for Lent bishop urges

“The last thing I want to be is a killjoy – I love sports but I do know that the advertising of alcohol in sporting events influences young people extraordinarily.”


ICPO launches new awareness campaign

Irish prisoners overseas are one of the most marginalised groups of Irish emigrants: Bishop


“Let’s not get soft on drugs” Senator appeals

The number of drug-related deaths in Ireland increased from 597 in 2010 to 607 in 2011.


Take the pledge for November urge Pioneers

Increased interest in short term pledge.

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