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Door of Mercy

Suspected arson in Belfast was “violation of the sanctity of the church”

Bishop condemns attack which damaged well-known Catholic church.


Nuncio welcomes hundreds of pilgrims to Lough Derg

"Let it not be said of us that we were stingy or miserly in showing mercy to others in this Year of Mercy."


Papal Nuncio to open Door of Mercy at Lough Derg

Hundreds expected to cross the threshold of mercy on Sunday in St Patrick's Basilica at the launch of the 2016 pilgrimage season.


Nuncio concerned by narcissism’s effects on society

It is “important for us to see some of these psychological dysfunctions in society as the manifestation of, perhaps, an underlying spiritual dysfunction”.


Moyross Jesuit selected as ‘Mercy Envoy’ by Pope

Fr Tony O’Riordan invited to Rome to receive the special mandate in person from Pope Francis during an Ash Wednesday ceremony in St Peter's Basilica.


‘We must engage with our past and our future’

Bishops refer to 1916 centenary commemorations and the coming general election in Christmas messages.


‘Hear the other side’ Archbishop Martin urges

I have an “obligation to the people who work with me and to the truth to clarify these things” church leader explains.


Door of Mercy is path to encounter mercy of Jesus

"We have tried to institutionalise God’s mercy and many of those in our institutions have experienced them as anything but merciful” - Archbishop Martin.

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