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Assisted suicide bill for Dáil

To those who advocate for ‘death with dignity’ Prof Des O’Neill responded that human dignity cannot be lost through disability, disease, dependency, or suffering. However he added that: “insensitive treatment or attitudes to those so affected can constitute undignified care,” and issues such as adequacy of treatment and support should be properly addressed.


Christmas parcels go to 19,000 children in Syria this year

For the eighth year running, ACN is providing Christmas parcels for displaced children, including warm clothes, shoes, toys, devotional items and other essentials.


UK abortion clinics offering bonuses for higher abortion numbers

“There has been evidence for years that abortion clinics operate like conveyor belts, trying to hit daily targets for the number of abortions performed.”


Build bridges and tear down barriers Pope urges WYD pilgrims

"I worry when I see young people who have 'thrown in the towel' before the game has even begun, who are defeated even before they begin to play, who walk around glumly as if life has no meaning."


Illness can be a way to draw nearer to God: Pope

Dublin conference today marking World Day of the Sick is 'thank you' to Lourdes volunteers for their support and help throughout the year.


Pope Francis has lunch with the poor in Florence

"Let it be a Church that is free and open to the challenges of the present, never on the defensive for fear of losing something."


Respond! converts seminary into housing for elderly

€12m redevelopment includes 21 new apartments in the college, a 10-bed group home, and 36 one-bed apartments and a range of support services.


Church is not just a Church of the perfect: Archbishop

"We remember in our prayers those who have had to flee from their homelands that they may find peace through the welcome of believers in Jesus Christ."


UK parliament votes down assisted suicide bill

“I welcome Parliament’s recognition of the grave risks that this bill posed to the lives of our society’s most vulnerable people” - Archbishop Peter Smith.


“War never again!” is Pope’s call in Sarajevo

There are those who wish to incite and foment an atmosphere of war deliberately for the purpose of selling arms Pontiff warns.


Pope visits Korean memorial for aborted babies

Pontiff prayed in silence in the symbolic cemetery which is dotted with hundreds of small white crosses.


New coalition group to fight state-sanctioned euthanasia

EPC-Europe to support disabled and elderly as push for euthanasia continues.


2,000 Dublin pilgrims to pray for Syria in Lourdes

Seven planes will leave Dublin airport on Saturday for French shrine.

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