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Diarmuid Martin

Pope’s car will be used by Foyle Search and Rescue in Derry

“From my time as a priest in Derry, I know how Foyle Search and Rescue volunteers work selflessly to help those who are vulnerable and in need” – Archbishop Eamon Martin.


Dublin Camino for WMOF2018

Seven churches involved in ecumenical endeavour.


Our world begs for unity, says Pope Francis

Pope Francis gives the homily at the service marking the 70th anniversary of the World Council of Churches.


Four new deacons for Dublin

"The ministry of a deacon is a ministry of personal integrity." – Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.


The Risen Lord is among us, says Diarmuid Martin

Jesus is risen and is with us and He helps us to be people of life and light in a time marked by many dimensions of darkness.


McAleese’s ‘misogynistic’ challenge deserves a hearing, says Archbishop of Dublin

The most significant negative factor that influences attitudes to the Church in today’s Ireland is the place of women in the Church – Diarmuid Martin.


Dublin in a Decade – Archbishop reflects on parish prospects with fewer priests

Without the continued support of religous orders, Dublin could face a 70% drop in the number of its priests by 2030


The Irish Church can learn much from Brazil

Very rarely in Ireland today would one see such a youthful and enthusiastic faith as you show, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin tells Dublin's Brazilian community.


Mater Dei providing emergency housing for homeless families

The crisis of homelessness and poverty persists right across our diocese and our country


Diarmuid Martin gives a St Kilian’s Day vision of the future for our Church

The Church has to become less narrowly institutional and allow other forms of charismatic presence to animate it.


Corpus Christi processions are about hope, blessings and communion

We bring the presence of Jesus on to our streets to bring hope, to be a blessing and to build up communion: communion with Jesus Christ, a communion that then binds us together to build wider communion and community.


Ethnic recognition for Travellers is a milestone on a long road to equality

“I have 26 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren – I hope they grow up in a world where they won't face discrimination,” said Missy Collins of Pavee Point.


Bishop Walsh pays tribute to Cardinal Connell’s “passion and courage”

Expressing his condolences, Pope Francis recalled the late Archbishop of Dublin’s many contributions to the Church in Ireland, especially in the area of philosophical studies.


Dublin’s two archbishops celebrate St Laurence O’Toole

St Laurence O’Toole’s integrity as a man of God, rather than any political agenda, permitted him to have influence in society.


Griffith College honour local boy, Diarmuid Martin

“The values which impregnated my life were the values which I inherited from the people of this part of Dublin,” says Archbishop.

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