“My brother and I were both altar boys, we both served Mass. It was soon clear to us, first to me and then to him, that our life would be at the service of the Church” – Msgr Georg Ratzinger
Last Saturday, I was in his room in the hospital. His only concern was to talk about his funeral ceremony – and he wrote with his felt-tipped pen, ‘Keep the Mass simple.’ And music? ‘Simple.’ – Bishop Donal McKeown
I am very encouraged that global use of the death penalty has decreased for another year. However, hundreds of people are still being executed by their governments and in some countries, the number has increased dramatically – Bishop Declan Lang.
"Please continue to pray for all of us and especially for the patients and their families and all staff at the front line," says hospital chaplain Fr Damien O'Reilly.
“And so, a bit like Good Friday, darkness is having its day. But the light is there and like the rising Son, it will become brighter and brighter until there is only the Light of Resurrection," – Fr Kevin Doherty.
“The next homeless person we meet, we might treat them with a little more sympathy and kindness. For whatever we do to the least of our sisters and brothers, we do it to Jesus” – Fr Howard.
“Today there are thousands of children and young adults who are alive because of their [Marian and her husband, John's] work," Melanie Verwoerd, former South African Ambassador to Ireland.
This was the moment God changed the course of human history – Bishop Fintan Gavin and Bishop Paul Colton.
Everybody will have an opportunity to have a direct encounter with witnesses — that is, people who have directly experienced violence in defending their faith — and that’s a rare opportunity for people in Ireland - Dr Michael Kinsella.
Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor was a deeply spiritual priest, known for his warmth, good humour and humility.
Primate of Ireland speaks about resilience at fundraiser in aid of Aware’s services to the suicidal and depressed at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin.
“Intentionally bringing on the death of a patient, even if he asks for it, does not constitute caring for him.”
Five-year pastoral plan (2016-2020) outlines the diocese’s priorities and is a response to the increased appetite for ongoing training.
"Heaven is a place where we experience God's love in a new way and we enter into communion with that God” - Archbishop Martin.
Judge rules doctors may end life support treatments to a pregnant woman who has been clinically dead for a number of weeks.
Inability to cope with the stress of church censure "gave me cancer”.
Pontiff marks Feast of All Souls and hails “the anonymous who rest in common graves as unknown saints”.
Bishop Denis Nulty opens second annual Alpha conference in Maynooth.
Removal of Albert Reynolds on Saturday evening to the Church of the Sacred Heart in Donnybrook, Dublin.
Rugby players, Munster's John Hayes, Ulster's Rory Best and Leinster's Sean O'Brien lend support to Embrace FARM ecumenical service.
An opportunity to hear from others about the loss a young person and how they live with that loss.
Peer pressure brings risks and challenges that were unknown in my time PP admits.
“The tragic death of our dear friend Tom O’Gorman over the weekend has come as a huge shock and a painful loss to everyone in the pro-life movement" - PLC.
Irish Hospice Foundation programme will support people 'overwhelmed by their grief'.
Families and friends to come together to remember their loved ones.
Despite criticisms of the Church, people still appreciate their priests.
Professor Desmond O’Neill is a consultant physician in geriatric and stroke medicine. On Friday 15th June at IEC2012 he delivered a talk under the title ‘The Communion of the Sick and Dying’.
Fr Lawrence Cunningham writes on the strong links that bind us to others who are part of the vast community of the living and the dead.
These extracts from A Celebration of Life provide a helpful introduction to the different elements of the funeral liturgy.
Fr James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. describes the wonderful comfort and hope that he and his family experienced in the prayers and liturgies of the church following the death of his mother.