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Five ordinations in Westminster

Cardinal Nichols stated that the Sacrament of Holy Order is based, not on a command structure, but on humble service. He said in his homily: “Service is the permanent and underlying foundation of all that is done by deacon, priest and bishop.”


Four new deacons for Dublin

"The ministry of a deacon is a ministry of personal integrity." – Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.


Four deacons ordained in Maynooth

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin presides at ordination of Rev Fergal Cummins of Meath, Rev Ricky O’Connor of Ferns, and Divine Word Missionaries, Rev Yanbo Chen and Rev Gerhard Osthues.


Priests who work in our parishes deserve unreserved gratitude – Archbishop

One of the biggest challenges facing the Irish Church at the moment is the shortage of candidates coming forward to priesthood and religious life – Bishop of Ferns.


Clogher diocese set to ordain two new priests

Sunday’s ordinations will bring to four the number of new priests ordained for Clogher in the past three years.


8 permanent deacons to be ordained for Dublin

First ever meeting of permanent deacons, candidates for the permanent diaconate and their wives from all around Ireland.


‘Courageously proclaim the Gospel in word & deed’

President of St Patrick’s College Maynooth hopes nine new deacons will build up the ‘Body of Christ’ as they “serve the people of God in their various dioceses".


Bishop Crean to ordain 9 deacons in Maynooth today

Ordination coincides with the special Jubilee of Deacons taking place in Rome to mark the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.


Two Irish seminarians ordained deacons in Rome

Rev Malachy Gallagher is preparing for service in the Diocese of Derry and Rev Bill O’Shaughnessy is preparing for service in the Archdiocese of Dublin.


Vatican paper discusses allowing women preach

Three articles in the 1 March issue of L’Osservatore Romano argue that the current prohibition on women preaching should be reconsidered.


Two priests and two deacons ordained on Epiphany

“It is possible to create safe spaces for those who think alike and who may come to feel that because they are like-minded they have discovered to right way.”


Boring long sermons? Tell the priest!

Homiletic directory gives guidelines for preaching but the most important thing is 'authenticity of preaching' says Director of Priory Institute, Fr John Littleton.


14 ordinations to priesthood underway in Irish Church

Nine new deacons and 14 ordinations to the priesthood contribute to a "remarkable year" for Maynooth.


Nine deacons to be ordained in Maynooth today

The nine are from the dioceses of Armagh, Clogher, Cork & Ross, Derry, Down & Connor, Galway (2), and Meath (2).


Limerick synod should discuss women deacons

“I have been constantly told by people working in the Vatican that they can’t say no to women deacons, they just don’t want to say yes" - Dr Phyllis Zagano.


Bishop Drennan ordains two deacons in Rome

"Every gift that God gives is not just for ourselves. It is for others, to be shared, and will bring most joy when it is shared.”


Six deacons ordained for the Dominicans

“The credibility of how you preach the message of Jesus in today’s society will depend on the sensitivity of the language you use" - Archbishop Martin.


70 new catechumens: “discreet signs of hope”

There are many examples of renewal in the Church in Ireland today Archbishop of Dublin suggests.


Three Jesuit deacons ordained in Dublin

“We will not heal those whose lives have drifted from Jesus Christ by throwing books of dogma at them," warns Archbishop Martin.


Survey shows majority want women deacons

Two spokespeople for lay reform groups urge Irish bishops to call a national assembly to discuss the role of women in the Church.


Enhanced role for Dublin’s laity within deaneries

Deanery groupings will no longer be made up solely of priests but will expand membership to allow participation of laity and Religious.


Two Dominicans ordained by Archbishop Martin

"The priest is called to nourish the faith of God’s people, but the faith of God’s people also nourishes the priest."


Bishop Buckley ordains two deacons in Rome

Marketing consultant and music graduate to be ordained to the priesthood in the next year.

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