Sunday Mass to be broadcast on RTÉ News Now when a Protestant service is being broadcast on RTÉ One and RTÉ Radio 1 Extra and vice versa.
“Churches may be closed and the celebration of sacraments postponed but the Church is not closed. It is very much alive” - Dr Brendan Leahy.
"Please continue to pray for all of us and especially for the patients and their families and all staff at the front line," says hospital chaplain Fr Damien O'Reilly.
"I would not like to be celebrating Mass on my own and I have never had to do it in my 45 years as a priest," says Meath parish priest.
Every life matters. Every life counts. Every life is precious irrespective of age or potential productivity – Bishop Denis Nulty.
“The idea was to give people a lift as time went on. That becomes more and more important as people are beginning to feel cabin fever,” said Rathdowney parish priest Fr Martin Delaney.
“Nobody was disrespectful. Certainly there were people who were indifferent, people who did not know exactly what was going on, but there were people who stopped and blessed themselves and wanted a blessing,” Bishop Cullinan said.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin highlights Accord's specially dedicated COVID-19 counselling service.
Mass broadcast on Easter Sunday morning from St Patrick’s Cemetery Chapel in Clonmel was watched by over 7,000 people either via Church Services TV or Facebook Live.
Let us not lose the opportunity to give further proof of solidarity ... The only alternative is the selfishness of particular interests and the temptation of a return to the past.
“Until it is safe, until further instructions, please hold onto your Lent Box. Keeping it safe will help keep you safe too,” says Trócaire’s Caoimhe de Barra.
“Immigration detention centres, where survivors of modern slavery often find themselves, remain operating at great risk to all those detained,” says Cardinal Vincent Nichols.
The God who is our Father is forever creator, life-giver. Not in spite of darkness, pain and death but in and through them – Bishop Brendan Kelly.
Our parishes have taken to cyberspace like never before! We’ve been flooding the digital highways with Eucharistic celebration and other prayer moments – so much so that we’ve crashed our live-feeds – Archbishop Eamon Martin.
We are apart but still part of our communities through TV and radio. I hope you will take advantage of the options available to follow the Easter ceremonies over the coming days – Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly.
Pontiff pays tribute to the “saints who live next door” describing the doctors, volunteers, religious sisters, priests and shop workers who continue to perform their duty as “heroes”.
In his Chrism Mass homily at the Cathedral of the Assumption, Carlow, Bishop Denis Nulty said the Covid-19 crisis had in a matter of a couple of weeks turned upside-down the economy, personal lives and our understanding of ‘normal’.
People were invited to send in requests to have a specific candle lit for their loved ones, and to pay their own tribute to so many on the front line serving their communities up and down the country.
“Even in the current situation where the Holy Week liturgies will be celebrated behind closed doors, we can find in our hearts ways to celebrate the mystery of Christ’s death and Resurrection,” says Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
“Our Church cannot function effectively without income. Please support in whatever way you can,” said a statement issued by one Dublin parish.
"Our fear is that the impact of the pandemic will be most acute for individuals and families already living in poverty," said SVP president Kieran Stafford.
Why did [the NGO] discriminate against Christians? Are they not citizens of Pakistan? We are all suffering from COVID-19 – Adnan, a Muslim in Karachi, quoted by AsiaNews.
The daily broadcast by RTÉ is facilitating a spiritual communion of worshippers who, while not physically present within the church, are digitally united in faith – Bishop Alan McGuckian.
SeniorLine is receiving 700 calls a week from traditional callers who are generally lonely and living alone, and from a new cohort who are suddenly cocooned and find it very difficult.
Northern Ireland now has “one of the most liberal abortion regimes anywhere in the world” in which “some unborn children will be left completely defenceless”.
“This action, which is not taken lightly, is ... the only way of guaranteeing that vulnerable people, who might be so inclined to call into the church to pray or light a candle, are more encouraged to stay at home and keep within the regulations” – Bishop Nulty.
Mother Fahy of Glencairn invited people to join the 31 or so sisters at Glencairn in “keeping up a constant and trusting prayer for all our medical and healthcare workers and for all humanity”.
Bishop Leahy pays tribute to the Limerick COVID-19 Community Response which is ensuring that the daily needs of the elderly, unwell or those with a confirmed diagnosis or those isolating on suspicion of having COVID-19 are met.
“All priests who are aged 70 years or older and those who have underlying health conditions are not expected to take part in frontline pastoral ministry,” says Bishop Duffy, excusing more than a third of his priests from face-to-face duties.
“Prayer is hope in action,” says the Bishop of Ossory.