"The protection of life and the common good are guiding principles as we continue planning for safe and responsible return to Mass and sacraments," said Archbishop Eamon Martin.
The online programme has kept an open dialogue between the Derry Youth ministry team and the young people of Derry Diocese.
A return to even small gatherings for worship will require close observance of social distancing and hygiene requirements, as laid down by the public health authorities.
Stressing that nurses deserve to be more fully valued and their working conditions improved, Pope Francis said the pandemic had brought to light healthcare deficiencies in some countries.
Young SVP saw the worry and anxiety among students during the COVID-19 restrictions and decided to produce the video to offer support, encourage them to talk about their anxieties, and tell them that help is on hand.
Tributes paid to nurses ahead of International Nurses Day today 12th May, the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale.
“It has been very difficult for us not being able to gather together in our beautiful church buildings. We’ve had to rely on spiritual communion,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh.
Believers of all religions and people of goodwill have been invited to implore the divine to help humanity in overcoming the pandemic caused by Coronavirus.
There were 20,313 marriages in Ireland in 2019 including 640 same-sex marriages. This equates to a crude (unadjusted) marriage rate of 4.1 per 1,000 population – statistician Carol Anne Hennessy.
Most people feel helpless against the armed extremists and all the more so at this time when all the emphasis is on the coronavirus pandemic – anonymous Burkinabe priest.
The experiences of Catholic charities and clergy reflect a growing body of evidence that BAME and Gypsy, Roma, Travellers (GRT) communities are being harmed particularly by this pandemic – Bishop McAleenan.
Archbishop Eamon Martin has told Leaving Cert and A Level students that the Covid-19 emergency has "gatecrashed what is such an important and special year in your lives, and it has left you wondering: what happens next?”
“There are no visits of any kind to prisons in England and Wales at the moment, so whenever prisoners do get in contact ... and ask us to get in touch with their family in Ireland, we will be happy to do it,” said chaplain Fr Gerry McFlynn.
While there are financial challenges for brands and retailers, they have a responsibility to manage the crisis properly, honour obligations to suppliers and look after garment workers in the developing world.
In a new biography, 'Benedict XVI: A Life', the retired pope rejects accusations of interfering in church debates since his resignation in 2013, claiming this is a “malicious distortion of the truth.”
“We want to commend our ministers and clergy for their prayerful and creative use of various online platforms and other means that have brought encouragement, through God’s word and through prayer, to His scattered people.”
Focus Ireland and its partners have moved 80 families with 150 children out of homelessness since the start of the COVID-19 restrictions, while the Peter McVerry Trust has housed 26 people since the virus struck and expects more to move soon.
But it could also be an opportunity for the new government to learn some lessons about how education could be designed more equitably.
And honestly, I just can't wait to be a priest. This is very temporary, the circumstances are extraordinary – Brother Chris.
Every Thursday at 7 o’clock, a bishop will celebrate Mass in one of the cathedrals for the care workers. We will begin here in Westminster Cathedral – Cardinal Nichols.
Bishop Leahy will be reciting the Rosary in Mount Saint Alphonsus Church, Limerick, today at 8 p.m., which will stream on novena.ie.
“Thanks to this digital technology many of us have been helped to remain in ‘spiritual communion’ with Christ and with one another,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin.
People are invited to fast and pray to ask God to free us from this pandemic, to support those who are fighting it, and to comfort those who have been afflicted, says Bishop Donal McKeown.
During COVID-19 restrictions it is very timely to talk about vocations in a time of great silence and solitude, and when people have more time to reflect on their lives and where their lives are going – Fr Willie Purcell
“Mary, Consolation of the afflicted, embrace all your children in distress and pray that God will stretch out his all-powerful hand and free us from this terrible pandemic, so that life can serenely resume its normal course,” prays Pope Francis.
"Vulnerable women in unsatisfactory domestic circumstances are particularly at risk," says Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB.
85 per cent think we will value family more after this, 75 per cent say we will value the elderly more, and 31 per cent think society will become more spiritual – Brendan Conroy of The Iona Institute.
Accord’s Relationship Support Phone Line is open 9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
The physical and mental well-being of ‘cocooned’ people is now emerging as a key concern, says Deirdre Garvey, CEO, The Wheel.
“People are able to connect with Knock ... There is a lot of loneliness and isolation and you really get the sense that Knock is something that they are able to hold onto,” said Maria Casey.