The SVP Resource Centre in Galway, 'Croi na Gaillimhe', has been renamed Maureen O’Connell House as a lasting tribute to the benefactor's memory
The annual fast began twenty-eight years ago and has since raised an estimated €750,000 for worthy causes.
HSE helpline must ensure support for abortion alternatives is genuine – Pro Life Campaign Ireland
Of the 43 part-time centre-based secretaries who were offered either a statutory redundancy payment or revised conditions involving reduced hours and pay, 21 took redundancy option.
Pope Francis is challenging us to see a preparation course as merely one part of a programme that ultimately needs to be parish-based: Accord president Bishop Denis Nulty.
Expanded child safeguarding guidance incorporates two new standards on caring for and managing the complainant of abuse and the respondent.
Last year’s Trócaire Lenten campaign raised almost € 8.3 million, which was about a 4 percent increase on the 2014 figure of €8 million.
“Looking back on it now, such an idea doesn’t take into account the mercy of God who created these children in his own image.”
Spotlight will set off 'hand grenades' of pain in hearts of abuse survivors and as a Church we can never be complacent about child protection: Archbishop of Dublin.
“It seems to suggest that the more communicative devices we have in life, the less communicative we are in our relationships” - President of Accord.
The canonisation of married couple Blessed Louis and Zèile Martin, parents of St Thérèse of Lisieux, is the first in the history of the Church.
“Whether it be the women we meet on the street or the other volunteers and permanent staff, my life is richer from having met them all" - Ruhama volunteer.
"Dedicated and doggedly persistent, she was an example of God-centred religious life."
First national safeguarding conference hosted by the National Board marks a significant milestone on the safeguarding journey: Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin urges every parish and organisation concerned with the future of Christian marriage to take part in conversation.
Sheer number of refugees is having a devastating impact.
15,200 people attended marriage preparation courses in 2013 while ACCORD delivered 50,952 counselling hours.
Bishop Jones expresses regret as cuts to Family Support Agency grants blamed.