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Congregation for the Causes of Saints

Son of Irish immigrants and Knights’ founder for beatification

“Father McGivney has inspired generations of Catholic men to roll up their sleeves and put their faith into action,” Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson said.


Another step towards canonisation of Boys Town founder

Fr Flanagan is reported as having said: “The old-fashioned home with fireside companionship, its religious devotion and its closely-knit family ties is my idea of what a home should be.”


Meeting investigates beatification cause for young Tipperary priest

Is Fr Colm O’Brien a candidate for sainthood?


Paul VI to be made a saint following approval of miracle

The miracle relates to the healing of a baby in the womb whose life, and that of her mother's, were under threat.


Date for Ireland’s first beatification ceremony confirmed

The beatification will be the first ever ceremony of its kind to take place in Ireland.


Pope declares Archbishop Romero a martyr

Three other martyrs recognised: Polish Franciscans, Michal Tomaszek and Zbigniew Strazalkowski, and Italian Fr Alessandro Dordi.


Vatican ruling moves Romero’s cause forward

Panel of theologians say Archbishop was killed “in hatred of the faith” paving the way for his recognition as a martyr.


British convert and foundress declared Venerable

Mother Mary Veronica of the Passion founded the Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel, a Discalced Carmelite Third Order for women based in India.

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