The parish priest and team were looking around to see where and how Confirmations could be held, and came up with the idea of the racecourse which was open-air and allowed for social distancing.
“These videos can be accessed at along with accompanying notes and worksheets,” says Bishop Larry Duffy of Clogher.
"I do not feel that rushing Confirmations just in order to get them done will be the best experience for the children involved," says Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
"In accordance with current public guidelines, bishops expect that the Sacrament of Confirmation will begin to be celebrated from late summer onwards," – Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference.
Not being able to receive the Sacraments during the pandemic, "we were not being nourished and strengthened by them in the usual way” Bishop Dermot Farrell warns in his Pastoral Letter.
Churches can now open for private and personal prayer, provided the necessary precautions are in line with the guidelines.
“Churches may be closed and the celebration of sacraments postponed but the Church is not closed. It is very much alive” - Dr Brendan Leahy.
The name of each child who was due to be confirmed on Saturday before the confirmation ceremony was cancelled over the Covid-19 pandemic was read out online, and a candle was placed in front of the altar for each one.
Jesus calls on us, his followers, to serve the common good by taking responsibility for each other and to prioritise the most vulnerable in our community ahead of our own individual wants and aspirations – Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference.
New approach, which will be centred on supporting parents in sharing faith with their children, will see voluntary lay catechists trained to prepare children for Baptism, Confession, First Communion and Confirmation.
The data reveals that Ireland is unique in its dependence on schools in preparing for and celebrating the sacraments.
Archdiocese of Dublin seeks the advice of parents, guardians, teachers and parish personnel to improve the preparation and celebration of the sacraments.
Confirmation isn't something that we should just "slide into" says Bishop of Limerick.
The work of the Irish chaplaincy includes the celebration of the Eucharist, preparation for the sacraments, pastoral visits to Irish people in prison and in hospitals, as well as the accompaniment of those bereaved while in Paris.
Children of the Eucharist programme, developed in Ireland, spreads to UK.
Over the coming year the diocese will see Sean Jones ordained a priest - exactly ten years since the last priestly ordination in Kerry.
John McAreavey and Joanne O’Riordan to share their stories and talk about how faith has played a part in their lives and helped them overcome adversity.
New role will see lay people commissioned as leaders of faith-based education programmes in partnership with priests and parish communities.
Pontiff answers letters from 12-year-old Clara O’Gormain from Galway and children from around the world in a book illustrated by the children themselves.
“An easily accessible, navigable and contemporary tool to help young people with questions they have about their faith”.
At a special ceremony, Confirmation students in the parish of Ashbourne/Donaghmore will pledge to abstain from cyber bullying and alcohol.
“Sadly there may be people in the area that have information which would help in bringing closure to this sorry saga" - Bishop Michael Smith.
Confirmation often appears like a “pre-fabricated cultural package of Irish heritage we are born into" to be discarded later in life as part of our throwaway culture.
Kit aids children with special needs make their First Holy Communion.