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Beating peaceful protesters is a grave sin, Archbishop of Minsk tells Belarus authorities

“The shed blood on the streets of our cities, the beating of people who have taken part in peaceful demonstrations is a grave sin on the conscience of those who give criminal orders and commit violence,” said Archbishop Kondrusiewicz.


Scuffles and cheers greet Our Lady’s return to the heart of Prague

“With the renewal of this column, we symbolically subscribe to the spiritual values of Europe," said Jan Royt of the Marian Column Restoration Society.


Seven Irish Columbans among 84 modern-day martyrs of Korea who may be beatified

All seven had the opportunity to flee, but chose to remain with their flock – it is for this reason that they are considered martyrs by the Church.


Bishop of Meath pays tribute to Columban martyrs

One hundred years ago, on 10 October 1916, the Bishops of Ireland gave their blessing to a new venture known as the Maynooth Mission to China. It became known as the Society of St Columban on 29 June 1918.


Solidarity rally for Vietnamese Catholic lawyer

Thousands of Christians and non Christians attend vigil and pray for the health of Le Quoc Quan.

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