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Forty years a sowing

Fr. Dermot Mc Carthy, RTE’s head of religious programmes, reflects on 40 years of Irish television and the role of religious broadcasting.


Irish and Catholic?: Towards an understanding of identity

This book, edited by Louise Fuller, John Littleton and Eamom Maher, examines the changed, and changing, face of Irish Catholicism, Irish identity and the Irish socio-religious landscape at the beginning of the third millennium.


Over my shoulder: a memoir

Norma MacMaster, now a priest of the Church of Ireland, living in Skerries, describes her growing up as a Presbyterian in Balieborough, Co Cavan, in the 1940s and 50s. At harmony with neighbours, yet holding on to their own way of seeing things, she knew the necessity of going to [...]


Spirituality of leadership: inspiration, empowerment, intuition and discernment

Addressing primarily those called to exercise leadership in voluntary or non-governmental agencies and in religious organisations of all kinds, Donal Dorr SPS shows they can provide a model of leadership that is both humane and effective.


Contemporary Catholicism in Ireland: A critical appraisal

This book, edited by academic Eamon Maher, Director of the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies, and former President of the National Priests Council of Ireland Fr John Littleton, gives an analysis by clergy, educators, journalists, and artists of what is happening to Irish Catholicism today and makes suggestions toward creating [...]


With respect: authority in the Catholic Church

Lay theologian and lecturer at the Marino Institute of Education, Tony Hanna, explores the thorny problem of authority in the Church. He says himself: “The book is offered to all men and women who exercise, endure, rail against, submit to or grapple with authority. It is offered humbly and with [...]


New wine, old wineskins: The Catholic Church and change in Ireland today

Martin Tierney has written a series of inspirational essays on the changes that are taking place in our world and how we can respond to God’s love in that world.


Integration in Ireland

If there are concerns about immigration or racism, they should be listened to and discussed rationally, says Sister Stanislaus Kennedy, to prevent myths and rumour spreading false ideas about immigrants.


The living body of Christ

In this collection of previously unpublished talks and interviews, Metropolitan Anthony sets out his thoughts on the experience of the Church, about how it brings together humanity with divinity, about doubt and heresy and about Christian witness. Through powerful images his thought is both compelling and accessible.


A “community of communities”

How a parish of 30,000 people can become a vibrant community if lay volunteers are trained and used well – former leader of the Columbans in England, Ed O’Connell, now back in Peru, explains.


Healing and hope: memories of an Irish ecumenist

Michael Hurley SJ, renowned Irish ecumenist and co-founder of the Irish School of Ecumenics, looks back over forty years of ecumenical experience.


The Presbyterian Church in Ireland

This book is Finlay Holmes’ popular study of the Presbyterians of Ireland – who they are, where they have come from, their theological and political conflicts, their identity and ethos, and their significant role in Irish religious and political history.


A fractured relationship: faith and the crisis of culture

Thomas Norris believes that Christian faith still has a relevant message for today’s culture in the West. Drawing on Newman, Voeglin and Lonergan, he believes that Christian faith should not be presupposed, but proposed afresh in a dialogue of faith and reason.


Savvy and the preaching of the Gospel

In a thought-provoking booklet, Desmond Fennell responds to Vincent Twomey’s book on Irish Catholicism.

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