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Try to keep up with modern technology, says CGA founder

Grandparents need to communicate faith by combining life experience with the technology that is intrinsic to their grandchildren’s lives, according to Catherine Wiley.  


Archbishop outlines vision for parish communities of the future

“We must seek the ways to restore the place of God in society and above all in the hearts of our young people.”


Date nights are good for marriage say marriage counsellors

"It is critically important to etch out and plan for a time together so as to appreciate each other's company," advises Accord marriage counsellor.


Is your marriage a little stale? 

Retrouvaille weekend can 're-awaken' the initial love.


Increase in numbers at marriage preparation course

“It seems to suggest that the more communicative devices we have in life, the less communicative we are in our relationships” - President of Accord.


Couples do not divorce or separate lightly: Accord

As Ireland marks 20th anniversary of introduction of civil divorce, one in four marriages are ending in separation or divorce.


Mercy theme for World Communications Day

Good communication is never merely the product of the latest or most developed technology but realised through deep interpersonal relationship.


The Tablet marks 175th anniversary with Dublin Mass

"For 175 years The Tablet has been a distinctive model of building up communication within the Church."


Retrouvaille hears powerful forgiveness testimony

Couple who both spent time on death row for crimes they did not commit tell Retrouvaille leaders that "forgiveness is the only way, in marriage too."


The family is a privileged place of encounter: Pope

The great challenge facing people today is to learn once again how to talk to one another, not simply how to generate and consume information.


Kilmore Pastoral Centre marks 10th anniversary

New website will support and promote the activities of the pastoral centre as well as other pastoral initiatives throughout the diocese of Kilmore.


Spirit Radio is four years old

"We don't believe in miracles - we depend on them" explains Rob Clarke, CEO of Spirit Radio.


Movement supporting marriage “affirmed” by synod

Final Synod document's emphasis on the importance of accompanying couples, especially in early years of marriage, praised by Marriage Encounter.


Use Marriage Week to renew love advises family group

Attempt to break world record for wedding vow renewal today.

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