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Bishop Noel Treanor highlights wish for peace to continue in Northern Ireland

Peace cannot and should not be taken for granted and is a precious value that requires cultivation and tending in every generation.


As Brexit confusion continues, Britain’s bishops prepare for fallout

Failure to take advantage of the settlement scheme could leave EU citizens in Britain facing deportation from June 2021.


Pope appeals to laity for more active engagement

Pontiff to celebrate outdoor Mass for over a million pilgrims at World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia.


Political parties must give a real voice to citizens

Archbishop Martin tells MacGill Summer School "A democratic political system must not limit the role of citizens to voting in elections and referendums."


Respond! CEO Fr Patrick Cogan to retire

Franciscan was one of the founder members of Respond! in 1981 and has been its CEO for over 30 years during which time 5,500 homes have been built.


Child set on fire for being Christian in Pakistan

“That this deplorable attack on a child was triggered by a simple profession of faith is deeply worrying.”


Increasingly difficult to express marriage views

Bishop of Elphin warns that many who support Church's teaching on marriage wonder if they are entitled to express this view publicly anymore.


Archbishop made no call for conscience clause

Transcript shows Diarmuid Martin commented on freedom of conscience without making any specific proposal in relation to marriage referendum.


‘Ireland needs renewed sense of national purpose’

Archbishop of Dublin warns that healthy politics cannot be built on a culture of spin or a policy of just being against something.


PeopleTalk to address democratic innovation

Project seeks to start public conversation on the state and delivery of Irish public services.

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