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“We have sacrificed everything for our faith”

Bishops listen to "heart rending" testimony from Syrian Catholic Archbishop of Iraqi city of Mosul on the plight of his people.


Educational alliance of society & the family in crisis

Pope appeals to separated parents not to allow children to bear the weight of the separation and be used as 'hostages against the other spouse'.


Fr Brendan Purcell concerned for the constitution

Irish philosopher says introducing SSM in Ireland is legally even more catastrophic than it has been in England because of our special constitutional protections for the family.


The family is a privileged place of encounter: Pope

The great challenge facing people today is to learn once again how to talk to one another, not simply how to generate and consume information.


Bishops warn of possible law suits if MarRef passes

"Will those who sincerely believe that marriage is between a man and a woman be forced to act against their faith and conscience?” - Bishop Martin Drennan.


Primate reiterates opposition to referendum proposal

The Church is not trying to hurt or offend anyone, “We simply want to respect the dignity of difference between male and female” - Archbishop Eamon Martin.


Every child should have its ‘mammy and daddy’

"Will the terms ‘father’ and ‘mother’ have any real meaning in the future?" - Bishop Phonsie Cullinan.


Memorial service for children killed in 1916

President Higgins suggests Ireland can best remember the children killed in 1916 by ensuring that today's children fulfill their potential in peace and security.


Parents concerned about impact of advertising

New research commissioned by the Mothers Union shows four in five parents (80%) in Great Britain are concerned about the commercialisation of childhood.


Bishops express solidarity with suffering Syrians

Since 15 March 2011, 210,000 people have been killed in the war in Syria, one million injured, and more than 4 million people have fled the country.


Reflect before you change marriage: bishops

"Mothers and fathers bring different, yet complementary, gifts and strengths into a child's life".


We have a duty to care for the elderly: Pope

Pope Francis encourages healthcare professionals and medical students to specialise in palliative care.


BAI revises Code of Programme Standards

"You need robust rules and referees that will stick to them,” Family and Media Association warns.


Clogher outlines timeline for synod discussions

“Truly this is a rather special moment in history when the successor of St Peter humbly invites all the baptised to assist in finding solutions to pastoral problems."


Parents may need to limit number of children: Pope

Pontiff calls for responsible parenthood saying, "Some think that ... in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits. No."


Relief as Childline secures funds to continue service

45,000 calls would have gone unanswered, forcing "some children into silence".


Family needs rediscovery as agent of evangelisation

Bishop of Limerick reminds conference on marriage and the family that “people need to be accepted in the concrete circumstances of life."


Concern over Children & Family Relationships Bill

Bill needs to be revised to better take into account the best interests of children warns new group, Mothers and Fathers Matter.


Child poverty increases in rich countries: UNICEF

"UNICEF report reveals shocking and frankly shameful data for Ireland": Fergus Finlay, CEO of Barnardos.


Tax system penalises spouse working in home

Successive governments have been weakening support for the family through tax and spending policies.


Govt should research cost of family failure

Bishop Denis Nulty of Kildare & Leighlin appointed president of ACCORD.


Church must listen to married couples: Archbishop

Lived experience and struggle of spouses can help find more effective ways of expressing fundamental elements of Church teaching Archbishop Martin tells Synod.


Amy Huberman teams up with Barnardos

Buckets for Barnardos highlights that one child in ten in Ireland is living in consistent poverty.


Church must place survivors at its centre

"A Church which talks about a preferential option for the poor must show unflinchingly a preferential option for those who have been victims of abuse" - Archbishop Martin.


Church must involve itself in debates on the family

Archbishop Martin speaks in defence of the family as a fundamental institution within society.


SVP slams European Commission over austerity

Social Justice Ireland critical of the “democratic deficit” in the EU and Ireland.


Broadcast commemorates children killed in 1916

40 under 17 years of age, out of the total 374 civilians, killed during Easter Rising.


Child beauty pageants unanimously opposed in Seanad

Pagents put children at risk of grooming and exploitation Barnardos chief warns.


Fourth tranche of NBSCCCI audits to be published today

Six dioceses and two religious congregations reviewed.


Bishop Nulty dismayed by same sex marriage referendum

Challenges importance society places on role of mothers and fathers in bringing up children.

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