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child safeguarding

There is still mistrust of Church in Ireland over abuse, says Primate

“The example of Ireland is a very good one if the Church would look at it more closely and extrapolate from it out to the wider Church and then from that into society, in areas where there are not good practices” – anti-abuse campaigner Marie Collins.


Bishop Leo O’Reilly of Kilmore retires on health grounds

“Bishop Leo has worked untiringly with many others to bring the various stakeholders within the Catholic educational sector into dialogue, and promoted increased co-operation and collaboration.”


Tributes paid to the late Bishop Laurence Forristal of Ossory

Funeral of the 87-year-old Bishop Emeritus who died on Wednesday will take place on Saturday at St Mary’s Cathedral.


Bishop Crean confirms priest’s defrocking for abuse

Daniel Duane's appeal to the CDF over his dismissal from the priesthood over child sexual abuse rejected by the Vatican.


‘No room for complacency’ on child safeguarding

Five more priests in Dublin the subject of allegations of historical child sexual abuse though the overall number of allegations shows a drop over the last two years.


70 new catechumens: “discreet signs of hope”

There are many examples of renewal in the Church in Ireland today Archbishop of Dublin suggests.


Church’s priority is to protect children: Pope

Everything possible must be done to rid the Church of the scourge of the sexual abuse of minors.


Bishops call on parishes to celebrate Day for Life

‘Care for Life: It’s Worth It’ focuses on care for unborn and mothers, the elderly and the suicidal.

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