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Child poverty

End “unfair” two-child cap on welfare payments, say bishops to UK Chancellor

“Catholic charities have first-hand experience of how the limit can put essentials such as food, rent and utility bills beyond reach, with devastating consequences,” says Bishop Moth.


Tackling child poverty must be an election 2020 priority, SVP tells voters and politicians

"In our experience, the biggest driver of poverty in recent years is housing costs," says SVP president Kieran Stafford, calling on voters to exercise their electoral power to make politicans reduce the misery of poverty in Ireland today.


Line up for third Faith and Life Convention announced

Former MP and UK Minister of State for Children and Families to talk about how faith prompted her to leave politics and work instead for the Jesuit Refugee Service.


One in eight children living in consistent poverty: TASC

The Cherishing All Equally 2016 report highlights how the proportion of children living in consistent poverty in Ireland rose from 6.3% in 2008 to 11.2% in 2014.


SVP welcomes Govt assurance on child benefit

“Withdrawing vital child benefit from families struggling to keep their children in school will not tackle child poverty."


Poor report card on Irish child poverty from UNICEF

Report shows nearly a third of all Irish children live in materially deprived households and this would be far greater were it not for social protection and child benefit payments.


TDs urged to put children first & quickly form govt

Failure to invest in prevention and early intervention is a failure to protect vulnerable children, Barnardos warns.


NICCOSA raises child poverty with SDLP leader

Party urged to make addressing child poverty and the widening gap between rich and poor the first priority of the programme of Government in the next Assembly.


Abortion is not just an issue in Ireland: Bishop

Challenges for next government include the inadequacy of some services in hospitals & disability facilities, reduced pay, child poverty, homelessness & crime levels.


Voters urged to quiz candidates on child poverty

“It is important for every candidate seeking our vote in the coming weeks to understand the appalling extent of child poverty rates in Ireland" - Barnardos.


One in six children face food poverty – Barnardos

New figures show that the children's charity helped 340 more children in 2015 than in 2014.


NI instability erasing hope from lives: Church leaders

An “unacceptable level of child poverty” is affecting over 100,000 children, roughly 6% of Northern Ireland’s population and “constitutes a real crisis”.


Barnardos calls for a 2016 ‘rising’ for children

“The Taoiseach recently said the elimination of child poverty was a moral imperative for any government. Yet child poverty rates in Ireland are a national scandal."


Garda cycle raises €20,000 for Capuchin Day Centre

Demand for the centre’s services this year is “at its highest since the charity’s inception in 1969” and it hasn’t received any increase in government funding since 2007.


Child poverty & homelessness worse than ever

The latest Department of Environment figures reveal 865 children living in hostels, B&Bs and hotels.


Poverty in Ireland worse than ever: CSO figures

Nearly one in seven people are in poverty of whom 211,000 are children.


Child poverty increases in rich countries: UNICEF

"UNICEF report reveals shocking and frankly shameful data for Ireland": Fergus Finlay, CEO of Barnardos.


Budget must tackle poverty and homelessness

"Looking after children is how you define a society’" - yet in Ireland today, one in ten children lives in consistent poverty.


Orange Order meets Catholic bishop in Belfast

Haass proposals, parading, and shared concerns regarding child poverty and educational underachievement in Northern Ireland discussed.


Social justice groups meet election candidates

Futures based on the primacy of the market are not likely to be just or fair warns SJI.


EU policies producing poverty and unemployment

New study reveals disturbing levels of poverty and deprivation in seven EU countries.


SVP outline budget proposals to Oireachtas Committee

SVP advocating for a living income in and out of work, reduced child poverty and better energy affordability.

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