“Only a profound knowledge of the law and its aims can render due service to truth and justice” – Vademecum on sexual abuse of minors.
The Department of Education information calculates that the number of children in Industrial Schools and Reformatories from 1930–1970 now stands at approximately 42,000—less than one-fourth of the original figure.
“Children have fewer inhibitions than adults. They will say anything, put up any kind of picture. At the same time, they are very naïve and trusting and believe what they are told is happening.”
In order that the phenomena of sexual abuse, in all their forms, never happen again, “a continuous and profound conversion of hearts is needed, attested by concrete and effective actions that involve everyone in the Church,” says Pope.
“If we are too quick to judge, we can end up joining the demonisers or the apologists, those baying for blood, or those in denial.”
“No bishop, no matter how influential, is above the law of the Church.”
"If in the past we didn’t see things through the eyes of injured children and young people, today we undoubtedly have moved a long way in that direction.”
Ahead of their meeting on Friday with Pope Francis, the bishops of England and Wales have asked the National Catholic Safeguarding Commission to carry out an independent and comprehensive review.
“There is a lot of hurt surrounding these issues and there will be for decades, but the hurt will never go away if we don’t acknowledge it and try to find a way of healing,”
"We are committed to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable people while maintaining the seal. We do not see safeguarding and the seal as mutually exclusive."
My hope is that he will speak kindly but also speak frankly, the Archbishop said.
Bishop says priest had no knowledge that Bartholomew Prendergast was abusing children.
“Following media reports which have disturbed and upset many people in the Diocese and further afield, I have decided to step down with immediate effect.”
“I have at times failed to realise how easily my own words and approach can unintentionally come across as hurtful or defensive to those who have been betrayed by Church leaders,” admits Archbishop Eamon Martin at Safeguarding Conference.
"Unintended consequences" of the focus on the mechanics of safeguarding and zero tolerance highlighted.
99-page McLellan report condemns culture of secrecy and cover-up that allowed clerical abuse to remain hidden.
45,000 calls would have gone unanswered, forcing "some children into silence".
Debate over commercial surrogacy reignites following latest revelations concerning another Australian couple.
We will not take one step backwards in dealing with this problem Pope assures.
Report gives no acknowledgement of safeguarding guidelines now in place.
Harrowing accounts of psychological, physical and sexual abuse by former residents at Catholic orphanages.
Fr Peter Donnelly must now face civil canonical investigation process.