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Shock at Pope Emeritus’ intervention on celibacy

Commenting on the retired pope’s new book, Dr Austin Ivereigh, Vatican expert and biographer of Pope Francis said, “It’s a totally imprudent and ill thought-out intervention which has the effect of undermining Francis’s authority.”


“After 50 years of priesthood – I would do it all again”: Fr Brian D’Arcy

"I made the decision to be a priest and to stay a priest. I can look back on life and say that anything I have done, I have done for the right reasons – the decision may be right or wrong, but I did the best I could to make a right decision.”


Pray for success of Pan-Amazonian Synod

‘I encourage the faithful to pray for the success of this synod, the purpose of which is to serve the good of humanity,’ said Bishop Alan McGuckian, Chair of the Irish Bishops’ Council for Justice and Peace.


German cardinal says Church needs to be open to change on celibacy

“I believe the hour has come to deeply commit ourselves to open the way of the Church to renewal and reform.”


“We have to listen to the Spirit guiding us in a different way.”

Fr Brian D’Arcy has called for the Church to allow married men and women to be ordained as priests.


Former Artane boy calls for compassion for those affected by abuse

“While we can all agree that justice must prevail, and the truth must come out, maybe everyone needs a little compassion. This is a human problem, not a clerical one.”


Pope calls for prayers for his brother priests

Let us pray together that priests, who experience fatigue and loneliness in their pastoral work, may find help and comfort in their intimacy with the Lord and in their friendship with their brother priests.


Bishops may be willing to allow priests who father children to stay

“All reasonable and fair options should be considered as possible, so this neither rules in or rules out various outcomes” – Mgr Gearoid Dullea, executive secretary to the Irish Bishops’ Conference.


‘Celibacy is contributing to addictive behaviours among some clergy’

Censured Redemptorist priest Fr Tony Flannery to deliver lecture at Edinburgh University on ‘Celibacy, sexuality and the crisis in the priesthood’.


New priest Fr Malachy Gallagher ordained for Derry diocese

“Your lifestyle will be a protest against the stifling hedonism that is presented as the best we can hope for. Belief in God is not repression of our dignity but an invitation to the individual greatness that is God’s dream for each of us.”


Bishop dismayed by ‘persecution’ of Church in Ireland

“People from abroad are often astonished at the level of antipathy to the Church displayed in our country.”


Prayer is our first response to vocations crisis, Pope tells Die Zeit

One of the things I pray for every day is a sense of humour! – Pope Francis.


Is Ad Limina a Mr & Mrs Missed Opportunity?

The question of celibacy is already being discussed at the highest levels in the Vatican – Noel McCann, ACI.


ACP slates “unfair” attention towards Maynooth

Former trainee priest who alleges he was harassed by a member of staff while studying in Maynooth files complaint with Gardaí’s sexual assault unit.


We value anybody who has been with us: Columbans

Missionary priests who left over celibacy tell their stories in television documentary which was directed by the wife of one of the 13 ex priests interviewed.


Bishop McKeown ordains new priest for Derry diocese

"Make sure that the sacrifice of celibacy is matched with simplicity of life-style. A pampered celibacy is a counter-sign of Christ’s call.”


Primate has “no objection” to married priests

One of the ways the bishops are dealing with the vocations crisis is by “borrowing back" from Churches where Irish priests and sisters served.


Archbishop Neary defends celibate life of priests

Marking the 10th anniversary of the World Priest apostolate, Archbishop describes it as an affirmation of the men who commit their lives to the Lord.


Senior CDF official fired over his gay revelations

“It seems to me that, in the Church, we don’t know homosexuality because we don’t know homosexuals, yet we have them all over the place" explains Vatican prelate.


President of Maynooth talks about seminary life

“We do have to push for a more cohesive approach to bringing in prospective student priests” - Mgr Hugh Connolly.


ACP appeal to bishops over vocations crisis

Dominican warns priests' association that they are contributing to the vocations crisis.

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