“Only a profound knowledge of the law and its aims can render due service to truth and justice” – Vademecum on sexual abuse of minors.
Removing a reproductive organ incapable of bringing a pregnancy to term should not be qualified as direct sterilisation, says the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Catholic peer Baroness Nuala O’Loan tells conference ‘Women and the Catholic Church’ there is “change afoot” in the Church in relation to women.
Former head of doctrinal watchdog rejects suggestions that he was let go over his theological differences with Pope Francis, notably over Amoris Laetitia.
“I would like, in the name of the Church, to ask for forgiveness for the scandals which recently have fallen both on Rome and the Vatican.”
The CDF has never communicated directly with Fr Flannery or afforded him an opportunity to explain his position, ACP leadership tell Pontiff.
New volume features recollections of over a dozen of John Paul II’s friends and closest collaborators.
Vatican Congregation never communicated with him directly.