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Trócaire responding to Beirut disaster – but your support is desperately needed

 “I don’t know how I came out of it basically unscathed. It feels like a miracle. I’m lucky to be alive," says Trócaire head of operations in the Lebanon.


Take action against modern day slavery, says Caritas on UN World Day Against Trafficking

Lockdown measures have increased the difficulty for trafficking victims of escaping and finding help when they are held in situations against their will, says Caritas International.


Muddied waters at Trevi Fountain as mayor takes coins from Caritas Italia

Tourists throw about €4,000 into the Trevi Fountain’s pools and cascades every day, which until now has been used to fund Caritas Italia's projects to help Rome's poor.


President honours Sr Mary Killeen’s work with the poor

Since 1976, Sr Mary Killeen has introduced education, health, and community services programmes to the slums of Mukuru in Nairobi, helping over 170,000 people to become self-sustainable.


Caritas India struggles to respond to Kerala flood crisis

In the space of three weeks, Kerala received 30 per cent more rain than it would normally receive in the space of a year – and the rainy season isn't over yet.


Missionary sister wins Trócaire’s inaugural Romero International Award

Sr Bridget Tighe offers care and support to Palestinian communities in Jordan, Gaza and Jerusalem.


Aid and prayers for Guatemala after massive volcanic eruption

The Bishop President of Caritas Guatemala has called on the Caritas confederation to help distressed families with psycho-social support, recovery of their livelihoods, construction of decent housing and other basic needs.


Syria’s heartbreak must end, says Trócaire

Families are trying to stay alive in dark, ill-equipped shelters in Eastern Ghouta. The shelters are not supplied with enough water or food, and children have not seen sunshine for weeks.


Pope Francis announces Synod of Bishops for Pan-Amazon region

Amazon's indigenous people are “often forgotten and without the prospect of a serene future because of the crisis of the Amazonian rain forest, a ‘lung’ of primary importance for our planet.”


Bishop Crean chides the world for ignoring East Africa crisis

Over 24 million people currently rely on food aid in South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya due to a combination of drought and conflict.


Belfast parish hosts Mass of Hope for homeless community

New soup kitchen will be opened by St Patrick’s Church on Donegall Street in response to Pope Francis’ appeal for concrete acts of mercy towards those experiencing poverty and homelessness.


Syrian religious leaders visit Ireland to appeal for help to end war

Two Syrian surgeons will explain how Irish and EU sanctions have caused Syria’s hospitals to degenerate to a pitiable state where scores of women and children die every day due to the lack of commonplace medicines.


Polish bishops admit “great fears exist” towards immigrants

The phenomenon of immigration is “new, different, and strange to the average Polish person”.


Trócaire thanks public for donating over €1m to Nepal

Trócaire and CAFOD reached 300,000 people with vital aid such as food, blankets, tarpaulins, cooking utensils, beds, solar lamps and gas stoves.


Ethiopian church appeals for aid as drought worsens

“The severity of the situation is continuously increasing as is the number of people affected”: Cardinal Berhaneyesus D. Souraphiel, Archbishop of Addis Ababa.


Pope Francis opens Holy Door at homeless centre

“A city in which one man suffers less is a better city” - Caritas Rome founder Don Luigi Di Liegro.


Pope Francis has lunch with the poor in Florence

"Let it be a Church that is free and open to the challenges of the present, never on the defensive for fear of losing something."


Concerns grow for 250 kidnapped Syrian Christians

Christians in Quaryatay have been living in fear of IS since May this year, when Fr Jacques Mourad, the Syrian-Catholic priest responsible for Mar Elian convent, was kidnapped.


No IMF special debt relief for Nepal

IMF's Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust denied to Nepal because earthquake did not cause enough total economic damage to the country.


CAFOD mourns Irish nun Sr Maura O’Donohue

"Dedicated and doggedly persistent, she was an example of God-centred religious life."


Trócaire pledges €100,000 to Nepal disaster

Emergency appeal launched: Trócaire requests public's support to help it deliver aid to those in dire need in following massive earthquake.


Caritas worker killed in Syrian city of Aleppo

“Aleppo has been cut off for 16 days, with no telecommunications, Internet or electricity... with mortar shells hitting the city every day.”


Cyclone devastates island nation of Vanuatu

Trócaire partners working in affected areas to get aid to people who have lost their homes and are without power and water.


Pope expresses his esteem for Mid East Christians

The Pope says he follows daily reports of the “enormous suffering endured by many people in the Middle East.”


Govt urged to send diplomatic mission to Syria

President of Caritas Syria, Bishop Antoine Audo SJ, describes conditions in Aleppo, ravaged by four years of conflict.


Boko Haram’s terror continues despite ceasefire

Bishop Oliver Doeme of Maiduguri warns "There is a religious undertone to this whole mess.”


Trócaire warns of humanitarian crisis in South Sudan

1.5 million people have been displaced and 4 million face hunger.


Trócaire urges ‘meaningful’ peace in Gaza

Both sides acting recklessly and without regard for the safety of civilians, Éamonn Meehan warns.


Ongoing conflict mars South Sudan’s anniversary

One million displaced within the country and 378,000 seeking refuge in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda.


Pope’s Harley-Davidson to raise funds for charity

Motorbike signed on the tank by Pope Francis to raise funds for homeless.

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