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Cardinal Theodore McCarrick

Benedict XVI blames clerical paedophilia crisis on 1960s

Catholic commentators dismayed by claims that the crisis stems from the sexual revolution, the disappearance of God from public discourse and liberal theological ideas that eroded morality after Vatican II.


Former US cardinal defrocked by Vatican for abusing children

“No bishop, no matter how influential, is above the law of the Church.”


Cardinal Kevin Farrell is the new Vatican chamberlain

In event of the death or resignation of the Pope, the Irish-born prelate who oversaw World Meeting of Families in Dublin will be Vatican city's acting sovereign.


Primate hits out at Viganò for hijacking WMOF2018

“I felt our World Meeting of Families had been hijacked in a way by this particular letter,” Archbishop Eamon Martin says of controversial 25 August missive calling on Pope Francis to resign.

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