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Cardinal Reinhard Marx

German cardinal says Church needs to be open to change on celibacy

“I believe the hour has come to deeply commit ourselves to open the way of the Church to renewal and reform.”


“Uncertainty reigns in Ireland” over Brexit, European bishops told

Bishop Noel Treanor addresses autumn plenary assembly of the 27 bishops’ conferences of COMECE in Brussels on the possible impact of the UK’s decision to leave the EU.


Pope Francis deplores acts of terrorism in Munich and Kabul

“At this time, our spirit is once more shaken by the sad news relating to the deplorable acts of terrorism and violence which have caused suffering and death.”


“Time has come for Europe to look ahead”: Cardinal Marx

COMECE president says the decision of the British electorate confronts the European Union and its Member States with questions about their goals and their tasks.


Church leaders deeply saddened by Brussels attacks

"Let us pray that there can be an end to such terror attacks and hope for a future in which peace and security will prevail over violence & loss of human life."


Europe needs to be constructive actor for peace

Peace and security policies were at the centre of the debate of the spring plenary assembly of COMECE's bishops in Brussels.


Annulment reform doesn’t solve issue of divorced

President of the German bishops’ conference says the problem of Catholics who are divorced and remarried must be addressed by the synod.


200,000 German Catholics depart Church in 2014

22% rise on the departure of 178,805 Catholics in 2013. Only 2,809 entered the Church in 2014 and 6,314 were readmitted.


VE Day reminds us of our responsibilities: COMECE

“The fact that we owe our freedom to others means that this commemoration brings us face to face with our own responsibilities. Freedom and responsibility are inseparable.”


Pope Francis to address European Parliament

“Pope is acknowledging unique significance of European institutions in life of our continent" - COMECE President.


Rise in number of Germans leaving the Church

Limburg bishop's €31m renovation programme on his residence blamed for exodus.


German bishop who spent €30m on palace resigns

Church inquiry concludes that Bishop Terbartz-van Elst should not continue in office.


Pope names members of Council for the Economy

Council is now operational and its first meeting is scheduled for May.

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