I am very encouraged that global use of the death penalty has decreased for another year. However, hundreds of people are still being executed by their governments and in some countries, the number has increased dramatically – Bishop Declan Lang.
Capital punishment is “contrary to the Gospel as it implies suppressing a life that is always sacred in the eyes of the Creator, and of which only God is the true judge and guarantor”.
Researching the life of Daniel Mannix, 85 year Brenda Niall, who knew Archbishop Mannix personally, was surprised to find how liberal his views were on most issues.
“The commandment, ‘Thou shalt not kill’ has absolute value, and concerns both the innocent and the guilty,” Pope Francis said on Sunday.
Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles denies clemency to Kelly Gissendaner despite papal letter.
If capital punishment is warranted, then it should be done without the involvement of medical professionals, argue doctors.