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Budget 2018

Aid agencies say more funds needed

The quality of Ireland’s aid is internationally renowned for its strong poverty reduction focus, and Ireland’s ODA budget is responsible for life-changing and life-saving interventions in some of the world’s most difficult environments.


Charities welcome modest improvements in Budget

Social Justice Ireland (SJI) stated that Budget 2018 has given modest improvements for some but failed to get to grips with the scale of the crises needing to be addressed.


Focus Ireland makes pre-budget submission

“The latest figures clearly show the homeless crisis is continuing to deepen and the government really needs to have this issue at the top of its agenda” – Focus Ireland.


Tax cut proposals unjust says Social Justice Ireland

A study conducted by SJI, shows that while there should be no net reduction in tax in Budget 2018, the impact of some proposals currently being considered would be what it called “profoundly unfair” because they favour only those with higher incomes.


Change fiscal rules to invest in fairer Ireland – SJI

“Budget 2018 should be designed so that it is both economically sound and socially fair. These twin objectives are both realistic and achievable. However, they need to be underpinned by a clear policy commitment to achieving both” – Dr Seán Healy.

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