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Church leaders pay tribute to Good Friday Agreement in Rome

“There are no quick fixes,” but the accord “gave us the opportunity – the breathing space – to look for goodwill”: Archbishop Richard Clarke.


Bishop Treanor elected as vice president of European Bishops’ COMECE

Bishop Treanor previously served as Secretary General of COMECE from 1993 to 2008, before his ordination as Bishop of Down and Connor.


Bishops visit EU in advance of Brexit

“Essentially we must always promote the human and insist that the human is put at the centre of the European project” – Bishop Nicholas Hudson.


Investment not tax cuts for better future for all

Most people want to see reductions in healthcare waiting lists, increases in social housing provision and reliable high-speed broadband across rural Ireland. To achieve this means there should be no net tax cuts in Budget 2018 – Social Justice Ireland.


Primate concerned that hard borders accentuate differences

Archbishop Eamon Martin worried that a return to borders, checkpoints and customs could “play into the hands of those who would exploit it”.


Possible papal visit to Northern Ireland next year

Migration, the European project, climate change, poverty and the effects of globalisation on families were the focus of “cordial discussions” between Pope Francis and President Michael D. Higgins.


Devotees of Fr John Sullivan struck by relative’s uncanny resemblance to him

Church of Ireland Primate describes beatification as a “day of celebration and joy” in the context of the “unending need for reconciliation in Ireland”.


Church in England concerned about Irish in UK post Brexit

EU citizens living in the UK must not live in fear of not being allowed to stay, says spokesman for bishops of England and Wales.


The European Union celebrates 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome

The legacy of the Treaty of Rome is to continue the work begun by previous generations who courageously and prophetically sought to establish a better future for all – Bishop Noel Treanor.


Racism is increasing in Ireland

The very significant levels of fear among those who have been abused because of their race have led to mental health problems, ongoing anxiety, depression, avoidance of public places and normal life, as well as loss of confidence and work and study opportunities.


Primate “nervous” of any reconstruction of the border

“We want to say as bishops our firm ‘no’ to a harsh language and remind our politicians that their vocation is to work for the common good and exercise their leadership through the careful practice of compromise and agreement.”


Brexit? God help us! Prayers for politicians coping with Brexit

“It is our united prayer that our political leaders in Belfast, Dublin and London will have wisdom, grace and patience during this process that will have implications for the whole of Ireland” – joint message of church leaders.


Trump urged to promote peace and well-being in world

According to New York Times exit polls, Catholics overall voted 52 per cent for Trump and 45 per cent for Clinton.


Ireland can be proud of its role in world peacekeeping says US Secretary of State

“It is a lot harder to make peace that pursue war” – John Kerry.


“Uncertainty reigns in Ireland” over Brexit, European bishops told

Bishop Noel Treanor addresses autumn plenary assembly of the 27 bishops’ conferences of COMECE in Brussels on the possible impact of the UK’s decision to leave the EU.


‘No reports of racism against Polish immigrants in Ireland’

The Chairman of the Polish Bishops’ Council for Emigrants, Bishop Wiesław Lechowicz, came to Dublin to celebrate the 170th anniversary of the dedication of St Audoen’s Church - home now to the Polish chaplaincy.


Just 311 refugees have arrived in Ireland

“We're calling on the Government to step up their efforts and give a timeline for when they will offer a home and safety to the remainder of the 4,000 people they have committed to taking in to Ireland.”


Taoiseach lines up with ambassadors for ‘Story of Love’ concert

The opening sequence of the concert is a screen presentation of creation with the Sistine Chapel Choir.


Primate looks forward to working with UK’s new PM ‘in common good’

Struggle against human trafficking demonstrates new PM's commitment to the most vulnerable.


Brexit is ‘reality call to those in power’ says Nuala O’Loan

"The vote said 'You have been doing it wrong for so many years and now change your ways'. Somehow in our priorities as politicians we have failed the people," says UK peer.


Irish charities already feeling effects of Brexit

“With the adverse effect on trade, people’s income and ability to donate could be negatively impacted, which raises concerns for fundraisers.”


Europe must be attentive to its soul says Bishop Leahy

Against background of Brexit, Together for Europe gathering in Munich is a prophetic sign. "We need to keep the ideals of the founders of the EU alive."


“Time has come for Europe to look ahead”: Cardinal Marx

COMECE president says the decision of the British electorate confronts the European Union and its Member States with questions about their goals and their tasks.


Pope & Church leaders respond to Brexit vote

“Many people in Ireland fear the impact that this momentous decision will have on their lives in ways that are still incalculable and unknown" - Archbishop Jackson.


British Church leaders urge vote for good of all

The EU came together after Europe was broken “beyond description” by war, and has contributed, until recently, to more social care than at any time in European history.


CofI to undergo major review ahead of 2019

Church of Ireland must look beyond its own self-interest and its own survival to the future to which God is calling it: Archbishop Richard Clarke.

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