Aidan Donaldson sees his book as an attempt to give voice to the voiceless as he allows them to share their life, their hopes, their fears and struggles.
127pp. The Columba Press. To purchase this book online, go to
THE BOOK:This very handy little book takes the gospel readings of the Season of Easter and with a prayer and reflection links the reader with the risen [...]
Unleashing Christianity's compassion for animals. An engaging well-researched and easy-to-read review of all the issues related to how we interact with animals.
106 pp. Darton Longman and Todd Ltd. To purchase this book online go to
THE BOOK“Not for the faint-hearted. For those who want to support survivors of abuse in practical ways, walking the Lenten journey with Beth Crisp is a great place to start. Confronting and challenging, this [...]
233 pp. Veritas Publications. To purchase this book online, go to
THE BOOKThis is a comprehensive collection of ready-to-go Liturgies of the Word for every Sunday of Cycle A, as well as the major feast days. Whether setting [...]
188 pp. Veritas Publications. to purchase this book online, go to
THE BOOKAnswers from within is written for men and women of faith who may need a compass to keep themselves on track when things go wrong in the workplace. It works best if absorbed in quiet [...]
The papers of the 2009 Céifin Conference edited by Harry Bohan explore the kind of vision, values and leadership required to repair the damage of the past and find a way forward.
Theology has struggled for an adequate account of the doctrine of sacrifice. M. McGuckian's book explores the coherence of the Catholic tradition in relation to the fundamentals of faith.
112 pp. Veritas Publications. to purchase this book online, go to
Setting the Scene: The Real Nature of Things To Bethlehem: Caesar and his Census ‘We have come to worship’: The Visit of the Wise Men Disturbing the Tyrant: The Anger of King Herod Good News of Great Joy: The [...]What is fundamentalism? The question discussed here is about protecting a valuable tradition. Gerard J. Hughes SJ looks at some of the pitfalls of translating the tradition.
Mark Patrick Hederman seeks a possible meeting place between philosophy, literary criticism, art and truth. He stresses the prophetic role of the artist.
126 pp. Veritas Publications. To purchase this book online, go to
Introduction About the Authors Lent & Easter
Spring Rain Great Escape Breaking Bread Unforsaken At the Foot of the Cross Communion of Saints Dead Man Walking New Life Beyond LossThe Days of Our Lives
Stand Still A Place [...]164 pp. Darton Longman and Todd Ltd. To purchase this book online, go to
After a first chapter on the life of St Mary MacKillop, Margaret Paton delves quite deeply into what inspired this great Australian woman and her devotion to children and to the poor. She also explores MacKillop’s articulate intelligence which [...]
128 pp. Veritas Publications. To purchase this book online go to
This small book has about 250 short prayers from grandchildren for their grandparents. The prayers are beautifully laid out each one separately on a coloured page; they have [...]
Pope Benedict will be present in Birmingham at the beatification of Cardinal Newman. Coincidental with this event, Dermot Mansfield SJ has written an excellent and very accessible biography.
44 pp. A manuscript for private circulation among Christian Ashramites and well-wishers of Ashram by Swamy Saranananda (Fr Korko Moses SJ).
ContentsIntroduction1. Stages in Spiritual Evolution2. Place of ashrams in the spiritual evolution3. Place of monastic and religious life in the spiritual evolution4. Monastic or Religious [...]
This book grew out of an MA course in Applied Spirituality directed by the authors (P. Brady and B. Grogan) in the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, Dublin.
In this fascinating book, Mark Patrick Hederman OSB argues that, far from being irrelevant in the twenty-first century, Christianity like art needs to and can find new forms that can give vibrancy and vision to the many different cultures in today’s world.
Una Agnew SSL writes an intellectual and spiritual biography of Patrick Kavanagh, a man who, in spite of his general appearance, was a profoundly mystical poet.
103pp. First published by The Irish Catholic 2009. Veritas 2010. To purchase this book online go to
Introduction by Tony Hanna
I Have Cancer Cancer is a Lonely Place Cancer is a Lesson in Humility I Have Been Very Touched The Unmentionable Sacrament We Take Things for Granted in the Developed World This I las Not [...]Creation, Evolution and Faith. A scientist sets out relying on reason to seriously investigate the natural world we live in but eventually finds reason inadequate.
176 pp. Hidden Spring, an imprint of Paulist Press. To purchase this book online, go to
Acknowledgments Prelude
Unmasking the Self The Faces of Thomas Merton The Monk and the Archbishop A Conversation about Merton with Dr. Rowan Williams Trusting the Heart The Dynamics of Henri J. M. Nouwen The Monk [...]Gesa E. Thiessen explores central issues in the dialogue between theology and art, paying special attention to the spiritual aspects of a number of modern Irish painters.
This is a beautifully illustrated history and catalogue of the entire stained-glass collection of Harry Clarke (1889-1931). Authors: Lucy Costigan & Michael Cullen
This book by Brian Maye an attempt to capture, for the benefit of a new generation of supporters, partners and staff, the inspiring stories of Trócaire's work over almost forty years.
240pp. Veritas Publications. To purchase this book online go to
Theologian Vincent MacNamara sees morality as a call to the full human flourishing each of us has as part of our human make-up. We find ourselves with others in society searching to do the decent thing. The author leads us gently but with expertise and authority. And he [...]
As it did with the Ryan Report, the Columba Press has recently produced an excellent collection of responses to the Dublin/Murphy Report. Ed. by John Littleton and Eamon Maher
Stephen Redmond SJ's book is an accessible introduction for anyone keen to learn more about the central act of the christian tradition specially prepared for the Year of the Eucharist.
Seán McDonagh's book is a plea for action before it is too late to save the 11,000 species currently under threat of extinction in mangrove forests and coral reefs across the world.
In The Cosmic Circle Edward P. Echlin relates Jesus to ecology. He looks at Jesus in his Nazareth years as craftsman and food grower, and his connection with the earth.