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Asia Bibi: “Please help kidnapped girls”

Asia Bibi, the first woman to be sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan, has called on the Prime Minister to help Christian girls in her country who are abducted, raped and forced to marry their captors.


Judges afraid to acquit Christians in blasphemy cases

“[Mr Pervaiz] has been in prison for seven years and [his children] haven’t been able to spend time with him. His youngest twins were born when he was arrested and he hasn’t held them in his lap or his arms,” said Mr Christopher.


Pakistan blasphemy case appeal postponed almost 70 times

Imran has protested his innocence and appealed the verdict. His lawyer said that the case against him has “substantial contradictions” in eyewitness statements about the date and time of the alleged incident.


Asia Bibi “held hand of Christ” in prison

During my detention, I held the hand of Christ. It is thanks to him that I have stayed standing, says Asia Bibi.


Pope Francis apologises after striking wrist of woman who grabbed his arm

“Love makes us patient,” says Pope. “So many times we lose patience, even me, and I apologise for yesterday’s bad example.”


Asia Bibi leaves Pakistan for Canada

Asia Bibi and her husband had been in protective custody since she was freed from prison in October, and there were fears for her health and safety.


Pakistan Supreme Court rejects appeal and confirms freedom for Asia Bibi

After the latest verdict was announced, special security measures were put in place, with rangers and police forces deployed to enforce public order in the capital, Islamabad.


Asia Bibi acquitted of blasphemy charges in Pakistan

“We thank God very much that he’s heard our prayers – and the prayers of so many people who have longed for Asia Bibi’s release over all these years of suffering and anguish.”


Archbishop “alarmed” by “inflammatory language” against Travellers

“Travellers are finding themselves at the centre of unwelcome and unfair comment. Our society, which is already unequal, cannot afford to become any more polarised” – Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly.


Verdict in Asia Bibi’s appeal deferred until next week

Pakistani Christian mother has been locked up in solitary confinement since 2010 after she was condemned to death under the country’s draconian blasphemy laws.


Warning over Pakistan’s failure to protect Christian women

Catholic lawyer Tabassum Yousaf highlights case of 18-year-old Binish Paul who was allegedly thrown from the roof of a second storey building after refusing to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim.


Reference to blasphemy in Constitution is “largely obsolete” say bishops

But they affirm it is “vital to ensure that the rights of individuals and communities to practise and live out their faith openly are protected by law”.


Broadcasting Authority of Ireland rejects 28 complaints

Of all the 33 complaints five were upheld. Just over one third of the 28 rejected complaints were about religion, blasphemy and pro-life.


Stephen Fry in Irish blasphemy investigation

There is nothing especially new about Mr Fry’s remarks, given that they echo those made by the Greek philosopher Epicurus in the third century BC.


Asia Bibi’s Supreme Court appeal date set

Human rights groups believe Pakistan's blasphemy laws are often used to discriminate against religious minorities, such as the country's estimated three million Christians.


The Church is a protector and guarantor of true pluralism

“In our age of flattened earth, narrowed horizons, conformity to a shallow consumerism and superficial variety that masks a deeper conformity, the role of the Church is to be the Church."


‘Using God’s name to justify violence is blasphemy’

Pope Francis and Bishop of Elphin address the legacy of Paris terror attacks stressing the way of violence & hatred doesn't resolve the problems of humanity.


Asia Bibi to appeal

Pakistan Supreme Court gives condemned woman leave to appeal. International pressure led to decision, says British Pakistani Christian Association. "Asia will have to spend more time in jail, but her freedom is now a real possibility."


Paris shootings rekindle debate on blasphemy law

Freedom of expression has its limits says Irish Moslem scholar.


Cardinal shocked by killing of couple in Pakistan

Lawyer for Shahzad and Shama Masih says young couple were beaten by an angry Muslim mob on Tuesday and then burned alive.


Call for Asia Bibi’s safety to be guaranteed

Christian Solidarity Worldwide highlights "spurious grounds of her case, unfair trial proceedings and unjustified solitary confinement she has endured in jail."


Court rejects Asia Bibi’s appeal: upholds death sentence

"Justice is increasingly in the hands of the extremists" Pakistani lawyer warns.


Appeal for Pakistani Christian opens today

Asia Bibi unjustly accused and sentenced to death for blasphemy.


Convention debates place of blasphemy in Constitution

Reference to blasphemy “largely obsolete" according to Irish Council of Churches.

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