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Bishop Router

Why did COVID-19 hit Irish nursing home residents so badly?

"It is distressing that more than half of all COVID-19 deaths have occurred in nursing care facilities," said Bishop Michael Router, chairman of the Episcopal Council for Healthcare.


Bishop Router calls out culture and government over teenager’s murder

“The reprehensible sub-culture in our society which views all human life as expendable, including the lives of children, must be defeated” – Bishop Michael Router.


Bishop Router offers to mediate in Drogheda feud

“I or indeed any priest or religious in this area would be willing to mediate between the different factions if that would assist to bring the feud to a halt.”


Ireland’s newest bishop expresses hope for the Church’s future

“Now is the time for us, people and clergy together, to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in order to shape a Church fit for purpose in the 21st  century.”

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