"The Ordination of a man to the priesthood is an opportunity to renew again that invitation and sense of support to others who may be discerning a calling to priesthood and religious life," – Bishop Tom Deenihan.
The situation is Drogheda “is a consequence of policy failures over many years and it is going to take a major effort to turn that around and provide the healing that is necessary” - Bishop Michael Router.
"As Catholics we are unapologetically pro life and are proud and honoured to stand up for the voiceless," said the Tullamore Parish Facebook post that prompted an apology.
Catholic Bishop of Meath and Church of Ireland Primate focus on the human cost of the homeless crisis in their Christmas messages.
“When Christ invited his own disciples to follow him, it was an invitation. That word of encouragement from priests, bishops and parishioners is part of it. We have to invite men to priesthood.”
"Catholic schools are not a notion or an ideology but, rather, Catholic schools are the schools in our own parishes that serve and are part of the local communities and that teach and welcome the local children.”
One hundred years ago, on 10 October 1916, the Bishops of Ireland gave their blessing to a new venture known as the Maynooth Mission to China. It became known as the Society of St Columban on 29 June 1918.
The search for equality in our society will not be advanced by undermining the very cornerstone on which a just and stable society is built.
“Sadly there may be people in the area that have information which would help in bringing closure to this sorry saga" - Bishop Michael Smith.