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Bishop Michael Smith of Meath

Nuncio joins Presentation bicentenary celebrations in Killina-Rahan

The Presentation Sisters “were true pioneers in providing education to people so long denied this basic fundamental right”.


Bishops mark 50th anniversary since end of Vatican II

Anniversary is also a time to review, to recommit to renewal and to discern what the Spirit today is saying to the Church.


Primate appeals on behalf of the Disappeared

“Some families are living a long Good Friday and it is difficult for them to know the Easter promise of resurrection.”


Vatican cardinal pays tribute to Irish Camillians

On first visit to Ireland, Brazilian Cardinal João Braz de Aviz says Church is in need of purification.


Nuncio marks 25th anniversary of his ordination

Expressing his gratitude to priests, Archbishop says, “At times, it is not easy for them."

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