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Bishop Brendan Kelly of Achonry

Aifreann nua ag tús Aidbhint – New Irish language Mass launched today

It is my hope that this new edition of An Leabhar Aifrinn Rómhánach will serve those who celebrate the liturgy in Irish, and that it may help to strengthen our Irish language as a living language of prayer


Three men ordained to the priesthood over the weekend

Describing prayer as the wellspring of all Christian life, Bishop Kelly said this was the example Jesus showed and priests' whole being and every utterance must be founded on prayer.


CPMSA and Bishops’ Council back NCCA consultation

Some concerns that new programme will "adversely affect religious instruction and a faith-based school’s characteristic spirit.”


Boston links recalled at Galway cathedral jubilee

Many of those who worked on the cathedral, or who were altar servers, choir members, ushers and volunteers on the opening day fifty years ago were also present.

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